The entropy of information theory ( ) is a popular metric for information measurement introduced by Shannon, ... A. Redefining web design for AR 1) Flattening the web for user interaction: The ease of accessing information is highly relevant to the user's steps to reach the information as stated in Shannon's information theory, This chapter introduces some elementary concepts regarding information theory. rough ideas above are the underlying motiv. Scientific American called it “The Magna Carta of the Information Age.” Information theory studies the transmission, processing, extraction, and utilization of information. A third class of information theory codes are cryptographic algorithms (both codes and ciphers). A sentence or sentences in English can be viewed as a sequences of letters (‘a’,‘b’,‘c’,. These groundbreaking innovations provided the tools that ushered in the information age. The story of the evolution of how it progressed from a single theoretical paper to a broad field that has redefined our world is a fascinating one. are independent (but subject to the probability distribution, It should be noted that a short sequence consisting of these letters will not properly. A property of entropy is that it is maximized when all the messages in the message space are equiprobable p(x) = 1/n; i.e., most unpredictable, in which case H(X) = log n. The special case of information entropy for a random variable with two outcomes is the binary entropy function, usually taken to the logarithmic base 2, thus having the shannon (Sh) as unit: The joint entropy of two discrete random variables X and Y is merely the entropy of their pairing: (X, Y). appears in all sequences interested with probability. ':؞�I���[ [�VH���A�ϱ�p����>aB�G�[�GO�t%�i�TL΃9��>��g�'B�vxF�y�=S�Dy8�Ab��\�;��4�م?^mR��m�`~F���Yz����Ë�˛,,] ��5��#B!�4�\G��a'��*�WdZ�dL��-���W~��Na�Z�/g�1 (t� �"ϋ�Tƭ&� �nF7��?�_��,J�FJ�RB��q�졐 ��w�뀤!�Y�-�>�\�He}^T~�= ���������;��r�i2L$�*>zU��Ɯ�,�lb����dC,TX� �oRU�lp#^#���+\�{�6����� y�e��fA�y���=h�i��]y�uމ%N��� �)m��+���L�F�I})O,Bve���3;�w(�������:�������gw�י�8��كxx+l�`��&;p^q��Y�F�D��;�6��&��=�ܕ�w. Shannon's main result, the noisy-channel coding theorem showed that, in the limit of many channel uses, the rate of information that is asymptotically achievable is equal to the channel capacity, a quantity dependent merely on the statistics of the channel over which the messages are sent.[2]. In contrast to text hiding, text steganalysis is the process and science of identifying whether a given carrier text file/message has hidden information in it, and, if possible, extracting/detecting the embedded hidden information. In the subsequent of the paper, we will omit the base in the logarithm function. If the channel is errorless, what is the capacity of the channel? ! Information theoretic security refers to methods such as the one-time pad that are not vulnerable to such brute force attacks. For memoryless sources, this is merely the entropy of each symbol, while, in the case of a stationary stochastic process, it is, that is, the conditional entropy of a symbol given all the previous symbols generated. This innovation, credited as the advance that transformed circuit design “from an art to a science,” remains the basis for circuit and chip design to this day. It covers two main topics: entropy and channel capacity, which are developed in a combinatorial flavor. The answer is given in the following proposition: The definition of information and entropy can be extended to contin, where we used the definition of (Riemann) integral and the fact, formula here is called the absolute entrop, the probability distribution, there is alwa, drop this term and define the (relative) entrop. If we compress data in a manner that assumes q(X) is the distribution underlying some data, when, in reality, p(X) is the correct distribution, the Kullback–Leibler divergence is the number of average additional bits per datum necessary for compression. If, however, each bit is independently equally likely to be 0 or 1, 1000 shannons of information (more often called bits) have been transmitted. seminal paper that marked the birth of information theory. L. Martignon, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001. can be quite accurately approximated by the Stirling formula: be a random variable taking real (i.e., real numbers) v, , the destination will receive the same sequence, no matter what the sequence, of a channel is the maximum amount information on a, ranges over all possible distributions on. This paper presents an overview of state of the art of the text hiding area, and provides a comparative analysis of recent techniques, especially those focused on marking structural characteristics of digital text message/file to hide secret bits. The American mathematician and computer scientist who conceived and laid the foundations for information theory. If is the set of all messages {x1, ..., xn} that X could be, and p(x) is the probability of some is that not all sequences, words, or letters appear equally. Shannon himself defined an important concept now called the unicity distance. If the source data symbols are identically distributed but not independent, the entropy of a message of length N will be less than N ⋅ H. If one transmits 1000 bits (0s and 1s), and the value of each of these bits is known to the receiver (has a specific value with certainty) ahead of transmission, it is clear that no information is transmitted. It covers two main topics: entropy and channel capacity, which are developed in a combinatorial flavor. Thus, we outline some guidelines and directions to enhance the efficiency of structural-based techniques in digital texts for future works. In practice, steganalysis evaluates the efficiency of information hiding algorithms, meaning a robust watermarking/steganography algorithm should be invisible (or irremovable) not only to Human Vision Systems (HVS) but also to intelligent data processing attacks.