Nitrogen metabolism in roots. 15 / 0. Food Chemistry Volume 127 (1): 34–41. λ= 765 nm on spectrophotometer. After dilution with distilled water to aproximately 30 ml, 2.5 ml of folin-ciocalteau reagent p.a were added. Environ., 8 (1),pp : 9–13. Traditional and nontraditional plant growth regulators alter the growth and photosynthetic pigments in Mentha piperita Linn. 2005 ; Stohr and Shremalu 2006). Concerning nitrates content, in the present study, plants are generally less sensitive to higher levels of thiourea since tubers treated with high level of thiourea accumulates less nitrates but the exact physiological mechanism of thiourea toxicity to plants is not known yet. *statically significant at level P < 0 .05. Effects of water stress on the protective enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in roots and leaves of summer maize. Orange flesh trait in potato: Inheritance and carotenoid content. 2000 ; Paul and Foyer 2001; Rockel et al. The former role of thiourea appears to be less likely at such low concentrations, while its latter role is more plausible. Orsel M., Filleur S., Fraisier V., Daniel-Vedele F. (2002). Food chemistry research development. The experiments were conducted in automn season (Ocober‒January) of 2011 and 2012. The first step of nitrate assimilation, that occurs in both roots and shoots, involves its reduction to ammonia by nitrate reductase (NR) and nitrite reductase (NiR) enzymes, followed by transfer of ammonia to α-chetoglutaric acid by the action of glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) (Oaks, 1985). Soil Sci. Nitrate: nutrient and signal for plant growth. Plant Cell , 7:859-868. NO. Bot. One month after planting, potassium sulphate (K2O 54%: 400 kg.ha-1) and ammonium nitrate (NH4 NO3); (N 33% :100 kg.ha-1) are also incorporated. Author links open ... and a wide spread use of these drugs has lead to rapid development of drug resistant strains which are the leading cause for treatment failure in both clinical and agricultural applications. 13:251-256. Influence of thiourea on photosynthesis, nitrogen metabolism and yield of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) These findings further supported the notion that thiourea is a bioregulator of growth. It is therefore suggested that thiourea, thiamine and ascorbic acid are the potential bioregulators for improving photosynthetic efficiency and grain yield of maize and possibly other cereals, and that thiourea, a sulphydryl compound, holds considerable promise in this context. The samples were then sligghtly disintegrated in narrower beakers with a glass rod and 10-15 ml acetone was added. An extract of potato tubers was prepared (after the addition of Cu S04 , Al2 SO4)3 and Ag2 SO4 and analysed using ion selective electrode method according to Davideck et al. The irrigation water has a conductivity of 1,4 mS. cm-1 and a pH of 6,2. J. Agri. This suggests that higher level of thiourea probably suppressed the water and minerals absorption by roots, thereby causing their deficiency within the plants and yellowing of leaves. 3, pp. Soil Sci. 15, 233-235. The decrease of nitrate due to an decrease in nitrate reductase activity observed in plants treated with high levels of thiourea may provoke changes in carbohydrate availability and the increase of amino acid level. 2007). 2013). Am. Fert. 2001) speculated on the possibility that the induction of hemoglobin could aim at reducing oxygen concentration during nitrate reductase synthesis, since molybdenium can be sensitive to oxygen. 118(1):145-150. Among nitrogen inorganic molecules, nitrate is the predominant form in agricultural soils, where it can reach concentrations three or more orders of magnitude higher than in natural soils (Hagedorn et al. Tubérisation sous stress salin de vitroplants de pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum L.) Biotechnol. Interactions between carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Somatic Mining for Phytonutrient Improvement of ‘Russet Burbank’ Potato. B. Purification and characterization of polyphenol oxidase from nettle (Urtica dioica L.) and inhibitory effects of some chemicals on enzyme activity. Besides, a dramatic increase of nitrates content, and consequently an increase in nitrates. Inter row and inter plant spacing were 0,80 and 0,30 m, respectively. Food Sci., 18 : 213–218. 2008). Plant Physiol 1997, 114:583-589. Agric. Nonetheless, use of thiourea at the lower levels is economical, and likely to have great physiological implications in potato plant biology. Kavina, J., R. Gopi and R. Panneerselvam. The absorbance of the acetone extracts was the measured in 1 cm cuvettes at λ = 444 nm against acetone and the total carotenoid content in mg/kg of sample was expressed as lutein equivalent from the equation : (K+ X) L = A 444. PhD. The filtrates were cantitatively transferred to 25 ml volumetric flasks and made up to the mark (if resulting extract volume was over 25 ml, the redundant acetone was evaporated under nitrogen flow). It was further noted that application of thiourea at high levels (750 and 1000 mM) decreases significantly nitrates tubers content (191 and 183 mg/kg respectively), while at low levels (250 mM) nitrates content was increasing (252 mg/kg) over control (241 mg/kg). L.): Phytochemical composition and inhibition of 1-methyl-1-nitrosourea induced breast cancer in rats. Food Funct.,4, 1595-1601. J. Agric. Besides, regardless of the level of applied thiourea, the content of ascorbic acid has improved (13,9-18,3 mg/kg, over control = 11,4 mg/kg). RC(S)NR2, where R is methyl, ethyl, etc. Srivastava, A.K., Ramaswamy N.K, Mukopadhyaya R., Chiramal Jincy M.G. Sci., Vol. This supports the hypothesis that thiourea may control Hb2 and MDHAR synthesis leading to controlling nitrate reductase activity and consequently nitrate levels in potato tissues, In potato tubers, carotenoids, polyphenols, ascorbic acid and nitrates found to change in accumulation in response to thiourea application. Lamattina L., Garcìa-Mata C. (2003). Although action of thiourea, envisaged here, points to its role in increasing or decreasing polyphenols and ascorbic acid, further studies are needed to explore biological basis of these findings. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 15;32(12):1333-8. Res. 86 (1) :10–17. Havaux M., Dall'Osto L. and  Bassi R. (2007). 87, (6) : 479-491. The homogenate was filtered and ascorbic acid was determined in the filtrate polarographically by the method of standard addition on the polarograph under the following parameters : initial potential = 250 mV, final potential 300 mV, rate 20 Mv/s, bubble period : 120 s, number of scans 1 , static period 1 s, height of pulse 50 mV, witdth 80 mV. PhD. 6:1948-1954. 2013). 221 – 234. These findings are in agree with works of Zhu et al. Your browser doesn't support this tag cloud, JNS Community & Sunblo L.C - Journal Of New Sciences ® 2012-2020, Impacted & Indexed Journal,    E-ISSN 2286-5314, Publication d'un nouveau ouvrage de Mr. taoufik bettaieb Micropropagation of Ornamental Plants: Research and Practice, 5th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, Lancement d'une nouvelle application pour les smartphones dans le secteur agricole en Tunisie: Plantix, 2017 5th International Conference on Agriculture and Biotechnology (ICABT 2017), Master (M1-M2) recherche en « Valorisation Alimentaire et Gestion durable des ressources animales (VAGDRA), Appel à candidatures pour le Prix du Sultan Qabus pour la préservation de l'environnement 2017, Fellowship Programme for Drop Tower Experiment Series (DropTES). Biol. (2002). 2011). Nevertheless, tubers being directly exposed to thiourea may pose itself as a weakened sink in utilizing assimilates for cellular growth (Herbers and Sonnewald 1999; Who 2003; Ge.