Next is by seed. You can unsubscribe anytime. ~You can enjoy the therapeutic process of nurturing your garden into production, Growing And Gathering is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Tags: growing indoors; Fleeance New Member. Propagating Strawberries. To have the most success growing strawberries, at least an inch of water should be provided to the plants either through rainfall or direct supplemental. Plus, your Strawberry patch should be replenished every 2-3 years as the plants do not fruit as well once they are past this age. A small pot of general purpose compost which has been watered well. Since many people choose to pinch out runners in order to allow plants to concentrate their energy on making large fruits, you can cut them off as they appear and pot them up rather than simply tossing them. Do not over water as this causes the roots to rot and try not to get water on the leaves of the plant. ✿  In about 10 to 12 weeks you should have a few strawberry plants sprouting in the pot. Fill in your email address in the form below and you'll receive all the latest updates directly in your in-box. ~You save money Propagating Strawberries from Seeds on Fruit ??? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I would love to know which way you chose to grow your strawberries and which was the most succesful. ✿ Fill a small pot or a seed starting flat tray with potting soil. The first method of propagating strawberries is by division. Many types of strawberry plants will, either by nature or if encouraged by pruning runners, put out lateral crowns at the base of the strawberry plant. 10-10-10 fertilizer contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are the three main nutrients needed for plants to grow. This is the best method and guarantees 100% success in getting a new strawberry plant, but  you have to get or have an established plant before doing this. Rather water at the base of your plant. Cover the slices with a thin layer of soil or vermiculite. If you want to expand your patch or plant another patch, you will need more plants and there is no point in buying them when you likely have plants available for free. Everbearing strawberries need a steady amount of 10-10-10 fertilizer throughout the growing season because they continuously blossom and bear fruit. I’ll surely try this. When done carefully and properly, a mature strawberry plant can be grown from each of these lateral crowns, but often the mother plant is compromised and dies in the process. Strawberry plants give off a number of runners. Continue to grow more plants in this way and you will have as many strawberry plants as you want. Just snip the runners you wish to plant with a sharp pair of secateurs, scissors or pruners and pot them into a gritty compost mix. Spray the soil with water to moisten it.Lay the slices flat on the soil in the pot        or seed starting tray. And all the plants you need to replace any exhausted plants are probably happily sprouting out from the patch you already have. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Thank you Matthew…you are absolutely welcome . Always make sure that soil is kept moist in both the pots. These crowns can be separated into new plants. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thanks so much for this information. These runners will develop roots as it comes into contact with the soil and form a beautiful new plant. Snip these off if they start so all the energy is put into the new plant growing healthy and strong for fruiting. Many strawberry plants will develop additional crowns at the base of the plant. Please be patient. Plus, your Strawberry patch should be replenished every 2-3 years as the plants do not fruit as well once they are past this age. Wouldn’t it be great  propagating your own strawberries? Strawberries make a great addition to your garden.From its beautiful fan-shaped leaves and stunning pink or white flowers to its aromatic and juicy fruit, this is one of my favourite garden plants. Strawberries  prefer a  well-drained sandy loamy soil with organic fertilizer dug into it. Here is how its done First and the easiest method is by runners. You could get seeds from your garden centre but I find it difficult to get strawberry seeds in garden centers in my area so I use the seeds collected from either store-bought or my home-grown strawberries, but just remember some of the seeds from store-bought strawberries might not be viable and might not germinate.Many gardeners remove the seeds individually from the outer side of the strawberry, but I find this really tiresome so I go the easy route and just plant little slices of the strawberry into the soil, with the seeds still attached to it. Your email address will not be published. For this reason, using strawberry plant runners for propagation makes it especially easy to make more plants. If you end up with more runners than you need, why not package the extras up to give away to friends and family so they can plant their own Strawberry patch? All the best and happy growing!! Cover the pot with plastic wrap and place it in a warm area to germinate. This helps a plant get as much moisture and nutrients to the healthy leaves and fruits as it can, giving you a better harvest. This can cause a fungal disease on the leaves. Spray the soil with water to moisten it. Nothing like growing your own fruits and veggies. It’s great! I use one of these tools to make small newspaper pots.