Static stretching is where the stretch … Buttocks stretch for the piriformis muscle: Begin on all fours. Keep your pelvis flat on the ground while stretching your piriformis. The stretch can also help with symptoms of plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the fascia on the bottom of the feet). Place the ankle of the leg you want to stretch over the opposite knee in a "figure 4" position. Instructions: Sit in a sturdy chair. Hold stretch for 30 seconds, then slowly return to starting position. Stretches the piriformis muscle in your buttocks. Lean forward until you feel a stretch … Place the affected … Do not roll your hips in the direction you’re pulling your knee. Piriformis syndrome stretching exercises. Add To My Programs. Stretch the piriformis slowly and gently. If you’re performing this stretch … stretch is felt. Hold the stretch for at least 5 seconds, and then release. Stretching exercises for the piriformis muscle help release spasm in the muscle and therefore pressure on the sciatic nerve. Advanced Piriformis Stretch (Pigeon Pose) After working through the easy and moderate piriformis stretches mentioned above, you can use the advanced stretch. Due to the position of the piriformis muscle in the hip, static stretches are more appropriate. Aim to complete a set of three stretches. In this deeper piriformis and hip stretch you use your whole body weight to stretch the piriformis…