[13] Cattle were domesticated from the wild aurochs in the areas of modern Turkey and Pakistan some 10,500 years ago. Agriculture is not only growing food for people and animals, but also growing other things like flowers and nursery plants, manure or dung, animal hides (skins or furs), leather, animals, fungi, fibers (cotton, wool, hemp, and flax), biofuel , and drugs (biopharmaceuticals, marijuana, opium). [103] As an industry in which families commonly share in work and live on the farm itself, entire families can be at risk for injuries, illness, and death. In the European Union, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has issued guidelines on implementing health and safety directives in agriculture, livestock farming, horticulture, and forestry. [79] High yield agriculture has dramatic effects on the amount of carbon cycling in the atmosphere. The application of pesticides could be hazardous for farmers. [194] Food systems encompass not just agriculture but off-farm processing, packaging, transporting, marketing, consumption, and disposal of food and food-related items. Unlike hydroponics, this uses a liquid nutrient result as a growing medium and essential mineral to maintain plant growth; or Aquaponics which uses water and fish waste, Aeroponic is conducted without a growing medium. He noted the spread of the new technologies as: "These and other developments in the field of agriculture contain the makings of a new revolution. [58], There are also claims that the Green Revolution has decreased food security for a large number of people. Farming is growing crops or keeping animals by people for food and raw materials.Farming is a part of agriculture.. Agriculture started thousands of years ago, but no one knows for sure how old it is. Manure is used either by holding livestock where the feed crop is growing, such as in managed intensive rotational grazing, or by spreading either dry or liquid formulations of manure on cropland or pastures. [110] The Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASHCA) also holds a yearly summit to discuss safety.[111]. New breeds of maize, beans, and wheat produced bumper crops with proper inputs (such as fertilizer and pesticides) and careful cultivation. [166] The World Health Organization estimated in 1992 that three million pesticide poisonings occur annually, causing 220,000 deaths. Over one-third of the world's workers are employed in agriculture, second only to the service sector, although the number of agricultural workers in developed countries has decreased significantly over the centuries. [213][214] In America, the Hatch Act of 1887 provided funding for what it was the first to call "agricultural science", driven by farmers' interest in fertilizers. Yet environmental factors, such as the availability of water for irrigation, the high diversity in slope and soil types in one given area are also reasons why the Green Revolution is not so successful in Africa. India soon adopted IR8 – a semi-dwarf rice variety developed by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) that could produce more grains of rice per plant when grown with certain fertilizers and irrigation. After gathering wild grains beginning at least 105,000 years ago, nascent farmers began to plant them around 11,500 years ago. Then, wild stands that had previously been harvested started to be planted, and gradually came to be domesticated. There is high level of soil erosion, surface runoff, loss of soil fertility, chemical contamination, salinization and alkalinization of arable land.