Tree times okay that is the morning. Most teachers will tell you that visualization is the tool that’s going to take you there my method is a little bit more deep, and that’s why I talk about the mindset stuff. So the way the 3 6 9 method really works is super simple you guys. There’s a HOT new manifestation technique taking the Law of Attraction world by storm. So that is it that is the three six nine method. Swipe To Learn Why It's Your Spiritual DUTY To Man, Can one simple new thought CHANGE your whole entir, Contrary to popular belief, you DON'T actually man, My darling, you'll never have to MAKE magic when y, Fact: the feel-good thoughts that actually SUPPORT. So the real difference I can see between these two methods not only is it the Tesla magic numbers but the fact that you don’t have to write things for that long. The newest trend to sweep through TikTok is the 369 Manifestation Method, which helps users claim has helped make their dreams and aspirations a reality. Of course, everything begins as a thought, you guys. So we can all report back with our findings let each other know if it’s working for us or not. And again what we are doing is just taking these number frequencies that Tesla thought were sacred and holy and combining them with the idea that you can amplify your vibration by thinking about something and by concentrating on something. If you watched it all the way to the end I would love it if you drop me a comment below to let me know just type below so I can give you a shout out because I would love to know if you are still here. If you don’t know I create two new videos all about manifestation and mindset every week so that you can use these powerful tools in your own life to up-level and transform your world. Today, I'm a bestselling author + coach who helps thousands of people around the world heal themselves and create their best lives, every single day. So if you are trying to manifest something and you’re thinking about it the idea is that if you’re thinking about it for a longer period of time like 17 seconds or longer it is going to give that thought more power. So the name of the trend like I said is the 3 6 9 manifestation method and the reason why these numbers are involved all goes back to do with the master of energy himself Nikola Tesla. If that sounds like something you’re interested in then come on over to the site and send in your application because I would love to enroll you if it is a good fit I’ll leave a link for that in the description box below so come on over if you are interested. So this quote is often used hand in hand in the world of Law of Attraction because of course in the law of attraction we are always talking about energy and vibration and becoming a vibrational match to what you want. Thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video give it a like and other than that I’ll see you in the next video so until then I’m wishing you happy manifesting and as always just remember, get ready for the miracle. Let me tell you anyway that is a side story. I’m so pleased to announce I currently have seats available in my unblocked group And it reminds me of writing lines in school and being punished and it just didn’t work for me in my vibration at all but if you’re into it Fresh from the world of TikTok, today I’m explaining the 3 6 9 Manifestation Method so that YOU can start to use this simple yet powerful technique to manifest your desires! you know go ahead. I'm Jenn - Bestselling Author | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Creator of The Aligned Life and I teach modern manifestation techniques that actually work. I’m Jenn – Bestselling Author | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Creator of The Aligned Life and I teach modern manifestation techniques that actually work. This is my group coaching program where I’m going to take you and hold your hand through six weeks of transformation so we are going to get in there and really motivate you to unblock yourself and to get moving in whatever area of life you are currently feeling like you can’t progress. My name is Jenn. It is called the 3 6 9 Manifestation Method and today I’m going to tell you how to do it. Manifestation methods aren’t always the same for everybody. But I just wanted to come on here and quickly explain this brand new manifestation technique for you guys so that you can go ahead and go try it out. Today, I help thousands of people around the world heal themselves and create their best lives, every single day. !o that pigeon must have had one heck of a vibration! It took me losing everything to find my way back to my own authenticity and power. So as I said at the top of the video, today I’m explaining the 3 6 9 manifestation method to you. So the first thing I’m going to tell you is that this is so new that I haven’t actually given it a full shot of trying it out! Filed Under: Manifesting + Law of Attraction, Video Tagged With: 3 6 9 manifestation, 3 6 9 manifestation method, 3 6 9 method, 3 6 9 method manifestation, how to do the 3 6 9 manifestation method, law of attraction video, manifesting video, tiktok. Anyway, here’s how to do the 3 6 9 manifestation method. That being said, manifesting seems to be basically just thinking positively about things, and plenty of people could benefit from that, right? So in that way of looking at this I can see how this method would be really easy and simple to include in your day yet it could potentially be very effective writing something out even nine times is probably not enough to make you completely bored and kind of resenting the fact that you’re doing it.