A'Ran's fingers flew over the command panel as he thought of how wise his forefathers had turned out to be. I missed my calling as a wise and successful detective! . perception of another that will allow them to see But the description of Jesus as "a wise man, if indeed one should call him a man," can hardly be genuine, and the assertion "this was the Christ" is equally doubtful, unless it be assumed that the Greek word Christos had become technical in the sense of false-Christ or false-prophet among non-Christian Jews. Seneca gives the true Stoic answer in his treatise On Providence: the wise man cannot really meet with misfortune; all outward calamity is a divine instrument of training, designed to exercise his powers and teach the world the indifference of external conditions. The heart can create troubles for the head—the heart knows nothing of logic. is sifted through a sieve. Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner. Had he made in 1815 the wise distribution of his soldiers in the theatre of war which he made in his former immortal campaigns, he would have concentrated 155,000 to 160,000 of his available force opposite to Charleroi on June 14, and the issue of the campaign would hardly have been in doubt. A much less wise class than the 7r-computers of modern times are the pseudo-circle-squarers, or circle-squarers technically so called, that is to say, persons who, having obtained by illegitimate means a Euclidean construction for the quadrature or a finitely expressible value for 7r, insist on using faulty reasoning and defective mathematics to establish their assertions. There, also, is the refined and spirited figure of "Cimabue" in mosaic. (previous page) () However, Justinian must have been almost preternaturally wise to have foreseen this: his conduct was in the circumstances only what might have been expected from an ambitious prince who perceived an opportunity of recovering territories that had formerly belonged to the empire, and over which its rights were conceived to be only suspended. of deciding when to toggle between present and future Examples: 1. I don’t know how to speak in a public setting and at what volume level. "Yes, they have taken a wise decision," he thought, "I must remain free.". Such knowledge, he here maintains, is really mensuration of pleasures and pains, whereby the wise man avoids those mistaken under-estimates of future feelings in comparison with present which we commonly call " yielding to fear or desire.". you can make wise decisions. While it is impossible to forget the past, it is necessary that How strange is it, that a fool or knave, with riches, should be treated with more respect by the world, than a good man, or a wise man in poverty. Take that pain and turn it into wisdom. circumstances. Throughout this mystic religious world it was above all the influence of the late Greek religion, derived from Plato, that also continued to operate; it is filled with the echo of the song, the first note of which was sounded by the Platonists, about the heavenly home of the soul and the homeward journey of the wise to the higher world of light. " Jewish Proverb Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes The greatest chapters in history always begin with risk, Ian Tuhovsky, Natural Confidence Training Famous ; Do not be wise in words be wise in deeds. Sulla returned to Rome, while Lucullus remained in Asia, and by wise and generous financial reforms laid the foundation of the prosperity of the province. ), 1 was conferred on him not only on account of his political sagacity, but also for his scientific eminence (Plut. The question whether Trajan's Oriental policy was wise is answered emphatically by Mommsen in the affirmative. Earth has no balm that can cure the loneliness of the human spirit. “When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. We can transform defeat into victory if we learn from life’s whuppings. By the wise action of Si Ahmad bin Musa, the chamberlain of El Hasan, Abd-elAziz's accession to the sultanate was ensured with but little fighting. A scholastic tradition, however, tells of a voice from heaven which made itself heard when the wise men had assembled in Jericho, saying: "Among those here present is one who would have deserved the Holy Spirit to rest upon him, if his time had been worthy of it.". It did not occur to the emperor that it would be wise to break off the fight now and seek a more favourable opportunity of beating the allies in detail. No matter how bad we might think the world is, in my experience Everything you undergo teaches you a lesson. The past doesn't have to be the future, stop making it so.”, “They are called, "SELF-worth" and "SELF-esteem" for a reason... we can't let others decide what we are worth, that is so dangerous! "The serpent was in the main right, but there is one point which he did not mention, viz. "It is better to be wise than wealthy," he said. “...true love is an irrevocable act - you can only give your heart away once - after that, you give as much as you have left ...”. John Wise, minister of the Chebacco Parish (now Essex), were prosecuted, found guilty, imprisoned for three weeks to await sentence and then disqualified for office; they were also fined from £15 to L50 each, and were required to give security for their good behaviour. It was believed at the time, and is still sometimes maintained by historians, that Wolsey laid down schemes of policy and persuaded his master to adopt them; but the truth would appear to be that Henry was in no wise dominated by the cardinal, but imposed on him his own wishes, merely leaving matters of detail to be settled by his minister. Ann Radcliffe. But the work progressed under his wise direction, and he was able "to be present, in 1744, at meetings of ten thousand souls.". Retrenchment often cut to the bone; wise reforms shattered on the inexperience or corruption of officials. Maurice, who had on the death of his elder brother Philip William, in February 1618, become prince of Orange, was now supreme in the state, but during the remainder of his life he sorely missed the wise counsels of the experienced Oldenbarneveldt. Unfortunately the new government proved wholly unable either to conduct the struggle with France successfully or to pluck up courage to make a humiliating peacethe only wise course before them. The moment you begin to bend over backward for others, by trying to please everyone, you will lose much of your integrity; it will figuratively break your spine. On the 4th of November 1555 Pole opened, in the chapel royal at Westminster, a legatine synod, consisting of the united convocations of the two provinces, for the purpose of laying the foundations of wise and solid reforms. What they do not realize is the profound wisdom that true happiness comes from within. However, even if they had stage qualities, the very length of this and his other plays, the Ulisipo and the Aulegraphia, would prevent their performance, but in fact they are novels in dialogue containing a treasury of popular lore and wise and witty sayings with a moral object. We must learn to press past our feelings. Wise lessons might not immediately catch your attention, but they will come as very profound realizations once you are ready to comprehend them. I am eager to cross the ocean, for I want to see my English friends and their good and wise queen. ; Moreover he is considered to be a founder of the professional national dramatic art; After nine months of pregnancy, the time has finally arrived #2 Linking Words to Compare Mrs Carlyle bitterly resented his conduct. Until we wake up, one day and realize, we are buried so deep in the dysfunction of the relationship that we scarcely remember who we were and what we wanted and needed to be.”, “It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”, “It's the journey that matters, soak it in. that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.