Most secondary schools (11-16/18) finish 3:15-4:00, junior school (aged 7-11) at 3-3:30pm and infant school (4-7) at 2-2:30pm. We both work at secondary schools. Children between the ages of 3 and 5 are entitled to 600 hours per year of optional, state-funded, pre-school education. Full-time education is compulsory for all children aged 5 to 18, either at school or otherwise, with a child beginning primary education during the school year they turn 5. I am a teacher and so is my sister. School term and holiday dates vary across the UK. Actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak - GOV.UK Skip to main content All school times cay in England, but are approximately at 3pm, by … Log in to reply to the answers Post; Solomon. We finish at 3:25pm. School Update . For Reception – Year 6 the school bell rings at 8:47am with lessons starting at 8:55am. 9 years ago. As far as we can see, everyone does it slightly differently but this chart will give you a good start to better understand UK School Years in relation to a child’s age for both private and state education.It can also be very confusing if going from State to Private Education, or vice versa. She doesn't have kids, but is often not home until 6pm depending on traffic etc. What time does the school day start? 0 1 0. Primary School: 9am to 3:15pm (Monday to Friday) Seconday School: 8:40am to 2:50pm (Monday to Friday) Sixth Form: 8:40am to 2:50pm (Monday to Friday) Though I had some frees and finished earlier on some days University 1st Semester (Year 1): 9am to 2pm (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) Also, we have a mid morning break at 11am which is 15 mins and lunchtime is 35/40 minutes depending on the day. Welcome to Farnworth Church of England Primary School. The school has successfully reopened for the start of term and it is wonderful to see the children return. Find your child’s school term, half term and holiday dates on your local council’s website. For Nursery the morning session is 8:30am till 11:30am. I generally have meetings two days a week so I pick my daughter up at 4pm three days a week and 5pm for two days a week. The afternoon session is 12:20pm till 3:20pm. Pick up is 3.15, if you are regularly 10 minutes late than you get a stiff letter from the head. What time does the school day finish? My school finishes at 3pm, hers at 4pm. Our school gates are unlocked at 8.30am, but the playground is unsupervised until 8.40am. Depends what time the school finishes! What all schools will need to do during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak from the start of the autumn term.