@kesya_1 Le bac isn't simply the diploma itself. It is generally conferred as the result of. can I say "pretty good"? But like a lot of words of French origin, we use it for a different purpose. Principaux types de diplômes universitaires aux Etats-Unis : - Associate Degree : 1 ou 2 ans d'études, souvent dans un domaine professionnel ou technique du type BTS - Bachelors Degree : 4 années d'études universitaires qui sont plus ou moins équivalentes à la licence ou, pour les universités les plus compétititves, à la maîtrise - Masters Degree : Normamement 2 ans d'études en plus du Bachelors. Proviisori / Provisor (Higher Academic degree in Pharmacy), with 200 credits. Une question importante : Quand bien même un diplôme américain validé permet de suivre des études supérieures au pays, il ne donne cependant pas forcément accès aux concours d'Etat ; dans le cas de la France, par exemple, sans le baccalauréat français, est-il possible de s'inscrire au CAPES, Concours Administratifs, Armée, etc. Does this sound natural? Si vous cherchez à travailler à l’étranger, dans le cadre d’un VIE ou autre, ou si votre rêve est de travailler pour Google, entraînez-vous dès à présent à passer un entretien en anglais. So our university is not your lycée, @TexasUSA "un bac" is not a bachelor's degree it's a high school degree, @kesya_1 I stand corrected. Pass with an overall percentage of 58% or above, (from universities using either a 70-79% range / 75-84% ), Diploma e nivelit te pare / First Level Diploma (Bologna award), Bachelor degree (Bakalavri Astichan), awarded from 2005, Bachelor degree from the American University of Armenia, Master's degree (Magistrosi Astichan), before 2005. in…, Master 1/ Maîtrise: High School Diploma and GED are roughly comparable to Higher in Scotland and GCSE in England, Wales and Northern Ireland 2. While there will always be a difference in acquiring knowledge, one can always believe in oneself and learn on the job. Take a look at the graph below to understand the organization of French higher education. It has high alcohol content. An A*/grade 9 GCSE, for example, is a level 2 qualification while A levels are level 3. For college/university it's a college degree Cliquez ici pour télécharger un entretien d’embauche en anglais d’un jeune diplômé ingénieur en informatique. Modules or assessments marked as pass/fail should not be counted when calculating the average. The American diploma is similar to a "Master II" in France, in most cases. Those marked as n/a, based on 2011 research, are not comparable to a British Bachelor (Honours) degree. The next district over had different requirements. Refer to our International Student brochure for specific country requirements. What are the biggest challenges recruiting graduates? Those marked as n/a, based on 2011 research, are not comparable to a British Bachelor (Honours) degree. Une description précise permettra à votre interlocuteur américain de mieux comprendre votre diplôme - Baccalauréat : French high-school diploma - DUT-BTS : 2 years technical degree in... - DEUG : 2 years university degree in... - Licence : 3 years university degree in.... (ne pas parler du DEUG pour ne pas créer de confusion si vous avez les 2) - Maîtrise : fourth year of university study in.... - DEA/DESS/MASTERS : Fifth year of university studies in.... En ce qui concerne les formalités que les étudiants étrangers doivent remplir pour accéder à l'université, nous vous invitons à vous rendre sur la page dédiée de Voilà New York: Visa USA. 100k It is generally conferred as the result of. 2 years - an associate's degree Diplomstudium, when awarded up to and including 2002, *Please note that this can be considered comparable to a 2.2 and above, Magister, when awarded up to and including 2002, Bakalavr diplomu (Bachelor degree) (from 2005), Master's degree (when following a three or four year Bachelor degree), Bachelor degree from University of West Indies, Specialist Diploma (completed after 1991), Licence / Licentiaat and other two cycle diplomas, Licenciado (from a public autonomous university), Professional title (from a public autonomous university) (0 - 100 scale), Professional title (from a public autonomous university) (1 - 10 scale), Magistar (studied and awarded until 2003), Maîtrise / Master's degree (without thesis), Bachelor Honours degree (4 years) / Baccalauréat / Professional Bachelor degree, Bachelor Honours degree (4 years) / Baccalauréat / Professional Bachelor degree, Licenciado / professional title with Acreditación de alta calidad, Diploma Visoko Obrazovanje / Diplomirani / Level VII/1 Diploma (now phased out), Bachelor degree / Ptychio when awarded by a public university, When awarded by a private institution, the programme must be accredited by the Ministry of Education and Culture (0-10 grading scale), Bachelor degree / Professional Bachelor degrees (awarded post-2006/07), (awarded by the American University in Cairo), Bakalaurusekraad / Diploma (Bachelor degree), Rakenduskõrgharidusõppe Diplom / Professional Higher Education Diploma, Bachelor degree (from the University of the South Pacific), Kandidaat / Kandidat, when awarded after 2005, (1-5 grading system, non-rounded grade, calculated from the weighted average*), Lisensiaatti / Licenciat [medical subject areas] (degree in Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry), Oikeustieteen Kandidaatti / Juris Kandidat (Law degree), with 160 credits. Link to post Share on other sites. Leverage Edu helps students make career choice & university admission decisions, using simplified Find out on Eduquiv. If you are also stuck in such a dilemma, read our blog on PGDM vs MBA to make the right career choice! Does this sound natural? B.Appl. In case you are wondering “degree vs diploma which is better?”, truth be told, it is completely upon personal preference. If the student has written a dissertation in order to obtain a Master’s degree, French universities consider the student as postgraduate. You will find more information about foreign degrees recognized by the American education system on the Department of Education website. Get notified about the latest career insights, study tips, and offers at Leverage Edu. Peut-être expliqué comme ceci: « Vocational certificate obtained 2 years after the 9th grade », Baccalauréat général: (French secondary school diploma/ high-school degree)    (UK) – Youth Training (NVQ – National Vocational Qualification – Level 1, 2) Holders of the two aforementioned qualifications from Pakistan may be eligible for a bursary in line with levels for British Bachelor Ordinary and Master's degree respectively. Learn more about different kinds of Grandes Ecoles (ENS, Engineering Schools, Business Schools, Veterinary Schools) here. Our baccalaureate (bachelor's) degree is the equivalent to a French "Licence" or "Licence Professionnelle" according to this source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_France, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_France. You should then present this to your ITT provider for consideration against the bursary allocation criteria. Specialized schools Quote; Share this post. There is no correct answer to life. I needed my correct amount of courses completed with passing grades, as required by my school district. What is the difference between : example plz to helping you find accommodation at the best prices. If we were to lay down the specifics of differences between the Diploma Vs Degree while trying to determine diploma or B.Sc which is the best, they would be as follows: Intense studying of a stream of choice can lead to any of the four major types of degrees, popularly known as: The primary benefit of pursuing a degree course is that the students can apply for and get jobs shortly. : ??? @sarachoi11 is right. Master dans les affaires: MBA (Master of Business Administration), Doctorat: > For American students wishing to study in France L’équivalence des diplômes français – systèmes britannique et américain, Vivre aux Etats-Unis grâce à un VISA gagné à la loterie, (UK) – BTEC HND (Higher National Diploma), Réussir un entretien d’embauche en anglais, Réserver une session de conversation en anglais. a professional master’s degree. Different qualifications are assigned a level to show their difficulty and hence their status. CORRESPONDANCES DE DIPLOMES  Avant toute chose, voici un petit rappel de correspondance entre le cursus français et le cursus américain : - Lycée = High School : Baccalauréat = High School Graduation - Fac 1º cycle = Undergrate Studies DEUG, DUT = Associate's Degree - Fac 2º cycle = Under Graduate Studies Licence, Maîtrise = Bachelor's Degree - Fac 3º cycle = Graduate Studies : DEA, DESS = Master's Degree - Fac Doctorat = Post Graduate Studies : Doctorat = PH.