Posted 7/29/2012 2:03 PM (GMT -6) Has anyone heard of or tried the (Coca Cola) product: Gluceau Vitamin Water Zero? It's similar to table sugar. But what about Vitamin Water Zero?? The Everyday Ketogenic Kitchen: Carolyn Ketchum’s New Cookbook! If you want to jazz it up, try one-half fruit juice, one-half carbonated water. Appearance. You'll often find it mixed with popular sugar substitutes like aspartame, stevia, and Truvia to make them sweeter. However, no one likes having an allergic reaction. How much can I eat? This is a problem that can be a long-term side effect of drinking Vitamin Water, so keep that in mind if you are ever drinking one. So just be sure to keep that in mind when drinking this beverage. To learn about inexpensive and healthy foods and beverages, and practical steps you can take toward greater quality of life and economic freedom, read John Robbins’ critically acclaimed new book The New Good Life: Living Better Than Ever in an Age of Less. How many have thought that consuming vitaminwater was a smart choice from a weight-loss perspective? Exercise: The Truth About Weight Loss. Either way, it’s obviously not a good thing for you as a diabetic. Of course, this doesn’t always happen, but it is possible. It is also possible, when drinking a Vitamin Water drink, that you are increasing your chances of developing certain diseases. It's also sold in bulk to companies that use it to sweeten or thicken products like reduced-calorie and sugar-free foods and drinks. Why Vitamin Water Zero is Not a Healthy Option in Most Cases, Amino Acids for Anxiety, Depression and Low Mood, Guide on Lateral Supports for Wheelchairs to Stop Sideway Leaning, Reduce Pain and Prevent Pressure Sores, Diabetes and High Temperature | 7 Things to Do When Acclimating to Heat, Does Garlic Pills Lower Blood Pressure? Glaceau Vitamin Water is a type of drink by the company Glaceau, that is supposed to be a sports type of drink. As far-fetched as it sounds, it is true that drinking Vitamin Water can increase your risk, or even be what puts you at risk, of certain diseases. The truth is, like I’ve said, Vitamin Water doesn’t have any nutrients in it, so it doesn’t benefit you that much, and typically, the reactions people do have usually aren’t great. Why Is My Blood Sugar High In The Morning? Nothing life-threatening has been recorded. Today in Shoddy Science: Do Eggs Cause Diabetes? Should I Screen My Child for Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac Disease? Here’s what I suggest: If you’re looking for a healthy and far less expensive way to hydrate, try drinking water. But how do you think the company is defending itself? Also, warning: In some cases, drinking Vitamin Water can also cause an allergic reaction. Just remember all of this information if you ever decide to drink a Vitamin Water or Vitamin Water Zero. Eating lots of sugar alcohols can lead to bloating and an upset stomach. It's also OK for people with diabetes. However, overall, Vitamin Water should not be drunk by diabetics. And How it May Impact Covid-19 Risk Factors, Coronavirus Triggers Unique Fears in People with Diabetes, Leaning on Family and Friends for Diabetes Support, How I Learned that Diabetes and Mental Health are Inextricable, Diabetic Men at Higher Risk for Heart Disease, Male Obesity Linked to Low Testosterone Levels, Boris Johnson on Obesity and Covid-19: “I was too fat”, How Metabolic Syndrome Snuck Up on America, CGMs for Pregnant Women with Type 1 Diabetes are Officially Awesome, Gestational Diabetes May Increase Risk Of Heart Disease, Pregnancy and Diabetes: When and Why Your Blood Sugar Levels Matter Most, 11 Tips to Surviving Early Pregnancy With Type 1 Diabetes, Experts Offer “Landmark” Diabetes Exercise Recommendations, How To Achieve Normal Blood Sugar in Teen Athletes with Type 1 Diabetes, Treating Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Diabetes, True or False? Does Vitamin Water Zero Really Have 0 Calories? But there’s one drink that has a lot of misconceptions about it. This includes type 2 diabetes, tooth decay, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and sometimes in extreme cases, even cancer. It is constantly talked about how good it is, and how it’s a healthier option than other drinks out there, and it’s been insinuated that this drink actually is a good drink choice for diabetics too. I still can’t get over the bizarre audacity of Coke’s legal case. Wrong. The first thing we should talk about is what Glaceau Vitamin Water actually is. The only things added to the water are replacement sweeteners, and potentially some coloring, all of which have no calories. This means that it has no nutrients in it, and that means that it doesn’t have enough sodium to be considered an electrolyte drink, so it doesn’t even qualify as a sports drink, or hold the same purpose that Gatorade does. And the best way to do that is to reduce or eliminate beverages that contain added sugar. In a staggering feat of twisted logic, lawyers for Coca-Cola are defending the lawsuit by asserting that “no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage.”.