Not quite a birthday, an onomastico is an occasion for Italians to celebrate with family, friends, and of course, a cake or pastries. We now unite Italian Americans across states nationwide to celebrate our culture and preserve the traditions our ancestors brought with them from Italy. As with anything in Italy, the menu for a St. Joseph celebration is rooted in tradition. March 19th has been a … We’re privileged to celebrate St. Joseph three times on the liturgical calendar: his solemnity on March 19th which honors him as the Chaste Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary; his May 1st feast which honors his vocation as a worker; and on the Sunday during the Octave of Christmas which honors his role as the guardian and protector of the Holy Family. It is also the day in which Italy celebrates Father’s Day. This makes three opportunities to draw closer to our … In 1962 his name was added to the list of saints in the Roman Canon (the First Eucharistic Prayer). Fava beans, one of the spared crops, represent good luck and abundance, so be sure to add them to your table on March 19. Many traditions and customs have developed around St. Joseph and his feast day. Holy Mother Church has given Wednesday, “the day the week turns on”—as author David Clayton highlights in his book The Little Oratory—to St. Joseph. In the Western Church, the feast of St. Joseph wasn’t fixed until the 15th century. A complete list of the devotions of each month can be found here. Fridays are dedicated to Christ’s Passion and to His Sacred Heart, while Saturdays honor Our Lady, because it was on Holy Saturday that She waited in joyful hope with the fearful disciples for the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Generally, a statue of St. Joseph is placed at the head of the table and is surrounded by gifts of various foods, citrus fruits, and of course, breads. Fava beans, one of the spared crops, represent good luck and abundance, so be sure to add them to your table on March 19. Saint Joseph's Day, 19 March, also called the Feast of Saint Joseph, is in Western Christianity the principal feast day of Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and legal father of Jesus Christ. An onomastico honors your “name,” and St. Joseph, St. Francis, St. Anthony, St. Anne, St. Catherine and so forth, are all celebrated name days in Italy. Go to Jesus through Mary, as modeled by St. Joseph. Like ISDA on Facebook, and get the latest Italian food, culture and entertainment news. On the feast day, an open house is held, inviting friends and family to join in the celebration of eating the gifts left on the table. St. Joseph’s Day Traditions. If you are struggling, turn to St. Joseph, especially on May 1, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. After it’s fried, the zeppola is cut in the middle and filled with various flavored creams or sweetened ricotta. A popular tradition on this day each year is to prominently feature a statue or image of St. Joseph, with the hope that he blesses his audience in difficult times. Want to celebrate St. Joseph’s Day in a special way? Joseph’s Table” is also popular in Italy. Joseph, as you might know, was a carpenter, so breadcrumbs are eaten to resemble the sawdust left behind after a day’s work in the carpenter’s shop. A highlight of the meal are the fried or baked pastries (zeppole, sfinci, frittelle) that are served for dessert. Regardless of the demands of your state of life or busy schedule, simply being aware of these devotions of Holy Mother Church can give us a “lens” through which to view the workings of God’s grace in our daily lives. The Year of St. Joseph in the Diocese of Charlotte is an ideal time to “go to Joseph” for all the help we need to be holy. Foods containing breadcrumbs, or the “poor man’s parmigiano” are enjoyed. Catholic tradition honors the feast of Saint Joseph as the husband of Mary on March 19 and the feast day of St. Joseph on May 1 as Joseph the worker. The Solemnity of St. Joseph is one … During this Year of St. Joseph, “Go to Joseph; what he says to you, do.” (Genesis 41:55). St. Joseph has long been the saint to turn to when experiencing problems with employment. Tracing the Evolution of Italian-American Cuisine, Coming to the Rescue of Italy’s Ghost Towns. The tradition of the “St. St. Joseph's Day (Feast of San Giuseppe)is an Italian feast day that is celebrated on March 19. Because the holiday falls during lent, meat is … Individuals and families will choose to observe these devotional times in diverse ways. Share your favorite recipe, and we may feature it on our website. The Feast of St. Joseph the Worker is not a holy day of obligation. The table is filled with gifts, both of food and sentimental ones, offered to the saint in thanksgiving for prayers answered. Saint Joseph's Day is the Patronal Feast day for Poland as well as for Canada, persons named Joseph, Josephine, etc., for religious institutes, schools a… The month of March is known as the Month of St. Joseph and is punctuated by the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary on March 19th. Because the holiday falls during lent, meat is generally not eaten on the feast day. Found in any respectable Italian bakery, both in the States and in Italy, a zeppola is a pastry, almost resembling a cream puff, but fried, and tastier, if you ask me. There is always hope that celebrating St. Joseph’s Day will continue since even in cases where much has been lost, some traditions are continued to be passed on – such as making the special pasta. Recite a daily novena prayer in praise of St. Joseph’s virtues and to obtain his blessing for a special intention. Native Italians don't typically approve of Italian-American food, but hey, the old rules were made to be broken. This makes three opportunities to draw closer to our spiritual father and learn from the holy example he gave us as a devoted follower of Jesus and Mary, a diligent worker for the Kingdom of God, and the supreme model of a quiet and humble spiritual life. A traditional “alter” or “St. Some older traditions become rekindled by the younger generations, such as creating altars like their grandparents did. Place yourself under his protective mantle as the Head of the Holy Family. As the patron of workers and the protector of the family, he is honored with a feast on March 19. Receive Holy Communion on seven consecutive Sundays while offering prayers in honor of Joseph’s seven joys and seven sorrows. © Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte 2019-2020, The Little Oratory: a Beginner’s Guide to Praying in the Home. Saint Joseph is one of the most beloved saints among Italian-Americans. Considered by Sicilians as the Patron Saint of their region. While St. Joseph and Father’s Day are celebrated all over Italy, the celebration of St. Joseph is more prominent in Southern Italy, particularly Sicily. Tuesdays lay claim to the Holy Angels, and Thursdays are devoted to the Blessed Sacrament and thus the Holy Priesthood. While relatively unknown to the non-Italian U.S. population, one city that widely celebrates this feast day is New Orleans. United States. We’re privileged to celebrate St. Joseph three times on the liturgical calendar: his solemnity on March 19th which honors him as the Chaste Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary; his May 1st feast which honors his vocation as a worker; and on the Sunday during the Octave of Christmas which honors his role as the guardian and protector of the Holy Family. As with anything in Italy, the menu for a St. Joseph celebration is rooted in tradition. Here are some ways Catholics have traditionally celebrated the day around the world. St. Joseph is credited to have saved Sicily’s residents during one of their many devastating droughts. Join the conversation, and share recipes, travel tips and stories. Joseph, pray for us!” following grace before meals, marking the top of your notepad or homework assignment with “JMJ”, or setting an alarm on your phone to spend a moment with the holy Patriarch can be effective reminders of the closeness of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.