Hook, and E.D. spectral reflectance-lithostratigraphy of terrigenous rocks of the parnaiba basin, brazil: chemical composition relationships lÊnio s. galvÂo* & icaro vitorello* resumo litoestratigrafia de reflectÂncia espectral de rochas terrÍgenas da bacia do parnaÍba, brasil: relacionamentos com a … The spectral absorption features, with peaks at 999, 1077, 1206, 1237, 1524, and 1765 nm, of the ore mineral carnallite were found to be different from those of gangue minerals. The following description of the library and the preparation and measurement of the samples it contains is taken from that report. Researchers at the USGS Spectroscopy Laboratory have measured the spectral reflectance of thousands of materials in the lab and compiled them in the USGS Spectral Library.The spectral library was assembled to facilitate laboratory and field spectroscopy and remote sensing for identifying and mapping minerals, vegetation, and manmade materials.For many of the samples, Paylor II. Different wall rocks, altered rocks and ores have their spectral reflectance features, which are very helpful for the explanation of remote sensing data and searching for mineral deposits by remote sensing. the spectral reflectance Iron Oxide in a Sandy Loam Soil Iron oxide in a sandy loam soil causes an increase in reflectance in the red portion of the spectrum (0.6 - 0.7 μm) and a decrease in in near-infrared (0.85 -0.90 μm) reflectance Studies of the spectral reflectance and photometric properties of selected rocks at the USGS Mill Creek, Oklahoma, remote sensing test site demonstrate that discrimination of rock types is possible through reflection measurements, but that the discrimination is complicated by surface conditions, such as weathering and lichen growth. This study presents reflectance spectra, determined with an ASD Inc. TerraSpec® spectrometer, of five types of ore and gangue minerals from the Mboukoumassi sylvite deposit, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Reflectance measurements for opaque minerals consists of a table of wavelength values versus % reflectivity at that wavelength. Spectral reflectance in the visible and near infrared portion of the spectrum (0.35 to 2.55 pm) offers a rapid, inexpensive, non-destructive technique for determining mineralogy and providing some information on the minor element chemistry of the hard-to-discriminate The measurements are generally made in air but oil is sometimes used for high magnifications. The JPL spectral library was originally published in Laboratory Reflectance Spectra of 160 Minerals, 0.4 to 2.5 Micrometers, by C.I. In addition, reflectance values for … Grove, S.J. The spectral reflectance features of rocks and minerals are correlated with their composition, color, grain size and surface state.