Banks have large amounts of data about their customers and about their risks. On the other hand, the moderator can reply to the conference email with an introduction and a description of how the session will run, offering speakers opportunities for input, discussion and to get everyone on the same page. Also as part of setting the stage, it can be helpful to explain to the audience how much time will be spent on the panelists’ presentations/interaction with the moderator, and how much time there will be for Q&A. Furthermore, you will have to look into combinations. If you take a closer look at your schedule, you can determine what is the central skill that adds most value to the end result. Which topics to we work on in the seminar „Methods and techniques of meeting moderation“? What are the best tips or tricks to moderating? And once again, this is not a one-dimensional choice. On the bright side: with a few simple selection-criteria, moderation will add just that little bit of extra power every meeting needs. One of the things I’ve found is also useful is to get the pulse of the audience right off the bat; eg by asking, “How many people work in ___, ___” and so on, to understand why they might be there (after all, they want to get something out of the session to take back and apply to their jobs, right?). IFoA President Tan Suee Chieh would like to invite you to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ (IFoA) virtual UK Town Hall 2020, hosted by Tan Suee Chieh with IFoA’s Immediate Past President, John Taylor, President Elect, Louise Pryor and IFoA Chief Executive, Stephen Mann. Covid-19 has required an urgent and cross-practice initiative to facilitate the extensive impact this pandemic has across all industries. Assuming 2 hours h… So you will have to find that one person, that can do all that is needed, within his default settings. The pre-seminar work is sent out five weeks ahead of the seminar date and delegates are given a three week period in which to complete and submit their models. Volunteering provides you with a wide range of opportunities. And when Q & A comes around, like you mentioned, the moderator makes sure that the audience gets their questions answered – and all panelists have a chance to participate. Awesome post, Lee. During the presentation, the moderator should give opening comments, set up the session for context, introduce the speakers, then get out of the way after making sure the PPT decks are properly queued. At then end, the moderator should thank the audience and the panelists and cover any housekeeping items. loved the point when you said that there’s a big difference between showing up and being awesome cause that make sense for me and i agree with it as well as the restt !! 2. Autumn Pensions Webinar: Update from The Pensions Regulator (TPR), Autumn Pensions Webinar: To the end game and beyond, Data Science in Banking - Opportunities and Risks. - the expert in the field If the question is too detailed or complex, then the person asking can be invited to ask after the panel is over when there’s more time. This webinar will provide an update on the emerging thinking around future regulation of DB schemes: The webinar will discuss the challenges and opportunities schemes face in evaluating end game options, choosing a target state and understanding the impact this strategic decision could have on member outcomes long after the “end state” is reached. It’s an incredibly important step to make sure that the panelists are all on the same page, and there’s an appropriate level of presentation overlap. People don’t think of the moderators much – heck, they’re just the folks making the speaker introductions, right? Moderator Duties Discussion Facilitation. The role and tasks of the moderator. The main thing for you, is to decide what you expect from the role of the moderator, and how this relates to his knowledge of the topic. This involves delving into the top qualities of the speakers and their previous speeches or writing, current thinking among gurus in the field on the topic of the day, and having smart questions ready to stimulate discussion should things lag. Autumn Pensions Webinar: Legal update - The letter of the law, Autumn Pensions Webinar: Impact of Dividends, Sessional Webinar: To the end game and beyond, Inside the Banking Boardroom – Opportunities for Actuaries, An update from the IFoA’s Covid-19 Action Taskforce [ICAT] Risk Management workstreams, CERA Seminar – Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Practitioner, Apprenticeship level 7 (Actuary) - Paid Opportunities, in-depth practitioner knowledge of the ERM subject area, appreciation of the technical  elements of ERM, accurate proof reading skills and attention to detail, review submissions and provide appropriate feedback following stated guidelines, ad hoc if required, delegates are tasked with deciding on the level of capital a GI company should hold and allocating it appropriately across the lines of business with no residual capital, accept submissions as having met the minimum standard for the CERA seminar or ask for a resubmission, with appropriate feedback, until the work meets the necessary standard, communicate feedback to the Partnership Executive, who will pass it on to the delegates, review all of the models (24/25) – allow up to 30 minutes for the more challenging attempts. CERA seminar Moderators are also required to support the team leading the CERA seminars in meeting the requirements necessary to ensure that the IFoA maintains its CERA accreditation. Patrick Kennedy, Partner at Gateley Legal and Founding Director of Entrust (a leading professional pensions trustee company), will be delivering an update on the latest legal developments during the course of 2020.