my result are 0.473 and 0.3204. P(S=1|W=1,R=1) = 0.19? Introduction to Probability and Statistics . or where to get this video lecture in wmv or any format? 5.Lecture 5: Conditioning Continued, Law of Total Probability | Statistics 110 6.Lecture 8: Random Variables and Their Distributions | Statistics 110 7.Lecture 9: Expectation, Indicator Random Variables, Linearity | Statistics 110 For example, proving Vandermonde's identity with a story is easier and more insightful than going through a tedious algebraic derivation. Lecture 2 Play Video: Story Proofs, Axioms of Probability We fill in the "Bose-Einstein" entry of the sampling table, and discuss story proofs. Probability and Statistics by Dr.Somesh Kumar,Department of Mathematics,IIT Kharagpur. cute found in ut dictionary section usery utility usurp ut gammut related to audio signature utopia uva ect wife killer many words i have a hard text two pages not the computer generation. "coorelation between time and eruptions." The slides for Lecture 4 are missing. if it is let me know how to download. can some one fix the wmv file, or convert the flash to wmv, or tell us how to view the flash. The flash video continues to load for ever! Teaching really is a different track. Great lectures, but please put easy way to download them in some normal format (mms is possible to download, but it is not an easy way). in my pants. great lecture!! Sorry about the wmv videos...We are experiencing some technical problems with disk drive enclosures that we were using during the recording (our external Maxtor tera-byte drives keep overheating and failing causing data loss). How did you achieve the synchronization of video with the slides. Remember the words of Mark Twain, "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics". Displaying all 16 video lectures. is poor, too. Superb lecture. I've never seen a bunch of guys saying "oh man, is he cute" on a man's presentation. She is having a really hard time expressing herself in english. Statistics Lecture 7.4: Confidence Interval for the Sample Mean, Population … For more details on NPTEL visit Btw. Yeah she's cute, but she's also smart. This is a great topic, and she does a good job of explaining it. also parts of the screen are clipped away. Is it possible to download? This will enable and promote sharing among users downloading the video with other people (and this way, it will also act as a mean of reaching more & more audience for your website, as your website address is embedded in very video).... And isn't Real (.rm) media preferred format for streaming videos on web (have seen wmv as format for streaming videos on only other than you people. How about making the videos available in Open Standard Format such as MPEG. Sorry to post again... can you please also post the pdf of the presentation slides. We strongly suggest you turn on JavaScript in your browser in order to view this page properly and take full advantage of its features. just in case, a little script that maybe helps: if [ -e "$2" ]then kdialog --title "File already exists" --warningyesno "Overwrite?" with no progress. This is a great resource but incomplete with notes for talks 3 and 4 are missing or pointing at wrong slides. Enter your e-mail into the 'Cc' field, and we will keep you updated with your request's status. Lecture 2 Play Video: Story Proofs, Axioms of Probability We fill in the "Bose-Einstein" entry of the sampling table, and discuss story proofs. sheesh. What am I doing wrong? I think she's french...Furthermore it's a great course. all use real media for streaming....Real media takes less space on hard disk for same duration of video...thus saving both disk space and bandwidth). Ofcourse she is cute; and smart too. that changes everything! She's very pretty! The First Full Sponsored Search Engine of The World : Still as a prototype ... but growing ... growing ... growing... Also related: |, part 4 and 5, without slides in a second window, are hard to follow. NOC:Probability and Statistics - (Mathematics course from IIT Kharagpur) NPTEL Lecture Videos by Prof. Somesh Kumar from IIT Kharagpur.Click on any Lecture link to view that video. if [ $? MIT, Berkely etc. 'c' light constant 'e' natural expoential function entorpy circuit david ruelles chance andchaos sins of omission boltzman. the pdf file is missing? she was saying "Machine Learning." Report a problem or upload files If you have found a problem with this lecture or would like to send us extra material, articles, exercises, etc., please use our ticket system to describe your request and upload the data. Since WMV is a proprietary format and is not easily viewable on Unix and Linux platforms. Still she has put in very good effort and I applaud to that. We then introduce the axioms of probability. Every PhD shouldn't try to teach beacuse they have written a dissertation on that topic it doesnt mean that they can teach very well. JavaScript is not enabled in your browser! Can anybody helpme out? It directly starts at 50% and never moves ahead!Please post the wmv video asapThanks. And people, stop being pushy about putting up WMVs. This video was recorded in Fall 2017. These videos are provided by NPTEL e-learning initiative. Thanks. A quick review (after viewing all 5 parts):a) there are places where the flow is great and she gets things acrossb) unfortunately many times she jumps between topics and viewer is baffled with what is going onc) improving her English wouldn't hurt. Do you mind if I post the MEDIAFIRE links here? The Spring 2014 version of this subject employed the residential MITx system, which enables on-campus subjects to provide MIT students with learning and assessment tools such as online problem sets, lecture videos… This course provides an elementary introduction to probability and statistics with applications. Thanks for the lectures. Will this be available as a wmv(Windows Media) rather than only flash streaming sometime later ? great lecture! And finally, these videos are really great....keep up the good work.... hey... seriously you should consider making them available for download... i have a slower connection at home than at my univ... and the difference is of hell and heaven... please consider putting the videos as downloadable files... but it is easy to record the stream with mplayer.for example:mplayer -dumpstream mms:// -dumpfile /somedirectory/keller_mikaela_01.avi, to get the mms:// adress look at the page source of the corresponding video page. The downloadable slides graphm1.pdf are too different. The slides for presentation 4 are the same as those of the more advanced topic in presentation 5. PLS tell me how can i download this video? I missed a lot in this world of sciences am behind in all.but I need to speed up I hope all of you are ready to help me to pull me and make me get on that bridge. she should teach in french rather than in english. You behave like machos and wonder why there are so few girls in computer science... Yeah! language professor people of letters? Don't show me this again. so that we could learn this offline (lot of us had poor connection), in line with this slogan"The main purpose of the project VideoLectures.Net is to provide free and open access .....". bootcamp07_keller_bss_01.pdf (570.8 KB), Download slides: PASCAL Bootcamp in Machine Learning, Vilanova 2007, PASCAL - Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning. make sure you have javascript enabled or clear this field. Topics include: basic combinatorics, random variables, probability distributions, Bayesian inference, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and linear regression. just download the free Real Player, and select on the file settings so that Real Player is the default program to play the streamed file. - Are you brushing up part 4 and 5 to the standard of parts 1-3. Enter your e-mail into the 'Cc' field, and we will keep you updated with your request's status. PS by slides i mean the "downloadable" slides, not the slides which automatically accompany the video footage. Can anyone let me know how to download this lecture clips? Analyzing categorical data. she's cute and fuzzy, but still this could be done much better and the viewer could digest much more in the time all this videos take. Well ,keep up the good work,,, (though i am really waiting for download'ble version of these).