Adjectives modify nouns, pronouns, and other adjectives. ISPACE Fronted Adverbials Word Mat. Prepositions Word List - 18. They can be simple words that provide more detail. KS2 Prepositions Warm-Up PowerPoint - 13. Free. Preposition Word Mat (no rating) 0 customer reviews. Expanded Noun Phrases Word Mat. KS2 Prepositions Warm-Up PowerPoint. Year 4 SPaG Expanded Noun Phrases using Modifying Adjectives and Preposition Phrases Word Mat - (2 reviews) More languages. Created: Oct 25, 2017. A great set of activity sheets to help your child recognize and use prepositions. Activities to support the strategy Activity 1: Prepositional phrase identification. Preposition-Mat. Preview and details Files included (1) pdf, 168 KB. Prepositions Word Mat English/Mandarin Chinese. Prepositions Word List. Prepositions Word Mat Spanish - Constructing an Expanded Noun Phrase Word Mat - 10 reviews. Fronted Adverbials - KS2 Word Mat List. A word mat full of prepositions that children can pick from to use in their writing. Constructing an Expanded Noun Phrase Word Mat - Author: Created by krisgreg30. Prepositional Phrases as Adjectives. Identifying an Expanded Noun Phrase in a Sentence SPaG Grammar PowerPoint Quiz. FREE Resource! Read more. Preview. Loading... Save for later. Prepositional phrases in the medial position should interrupt the subject from its verb: Paul, on Monday evening, walked to the primary school at the end of the block, during a very heavy thunderstorm. Year 4 SPaG Expanded Noun Phrases using Modifying Adjectives and Preposition Phrases Word Mat - 2. Search for prepositional phrases … Lower KS2 - Years 3 and 4 English Curriculum Aims » Writing ... Year 4 SPaG Expanded Noun Phrases using Modifying Adjectives and Preposition Phrases Word Mat. Expanded Noun Phrases Word Mat - 2. Prepositions Word Mat English/Mandarin Chinese - (1 review) Prepositions Word Mat Spanish. ISPACE Fronted Adverbials Word Mat - 4. Year 4 SPaG Expanded Noun Phrases using Modifying Adjectives and Preposition Phrases Word Mat - 2. Showing results for 'prepositional' - show more.