21. to Their relationship was ______________ because of jealousy. A Preposition in the English language is placed before the object in the sentence. The following passage contains errors in the use of verbs. 8. on Copyright Notice © 2020 Greycells18 Media Limited and its licensors. You can change your answers at any time. Choose the most appropriate one. Worksheets have become an integral part of the education system. Make your choice by clicking on its button. 10. Without placing a preposition in the sentence, it will be incomplete. I was amazed —————- her brilliant performance. Prepositions Test. 16. to 2. Choose the most appropriate one. Required fields are marked *. Some prepositions tell you about time. The robbers broke —————- the shop and looted it. She is keen ——————– pursuing higher education in the US. Every weekend, we put the trash can ________________ for garbage collection. Just how good are you at using prepositions? 23. See if you can score a perfect 10. Which Harry Potter Hogwarts House Do You Belong To Quiz! Prepositions Exercise For Classes 8 and 9 CBSE, Article Writing Sample 4 | CBSE Class 9 Worksheets, 5 Ways to Improve Your English by Writing Letters, Kerala Syllabus Class 10 Phrasal Verbs Worksheet, Class 10 Phrasal Verbs | Kerala Syllabus Worksheet 1, Sentence Transformation Worksheet For Class 8. Hi, I am Manjusha. viewed only after completing the test. Select the number of questions for the test: Verify your number to create your account, Sign up with different email address/mobile number, NEWSLETTER : Get latest updates in your inbox, Need assistance? Ai Ling is worried ________the test because she thinks that she will fail the test. 20. up Your email address will not be published. 18. for 1. at 9. with 6. of 12. We often go fishing __________________ the river bank. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets. 20. The detective chased the killer ______________ the streets. Quiz on Prepositions: Instructions: For each question, choose the single best answer. Preposition MCQs With Answers, preposition test for NTS.A preposition is a small word used to connect nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition. 23. of 6. 3. with 22. into You must apologize ————— him for your rude behaviour. Just make sure to study preposition use in English come back to test your knowledge again. 13. Would you like more practice with the simple future? Can You Identify The Correct Preposition? 16. You have to leave your shoes ______________the door when you enter the house. You can move between questions and answer them in any order you like. The prepositions test checks your understanding of the common prepositions in English. 13. with 2. with Enter your email address to receive our lessons in your inbox: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Learn Maths Online | Free NCERT Maths Solutions, Powered by  - Designed with the Hueman theme. Prepositions are difficult in English, so don't worry too much about this result. Grammar: Can You Choose The Correct Answer For Preposition? Don’t forget to share it with your classmates in preparation for your English class test. How well do you know English prepositions? 25. with. He was caught by the teacher for cheating ________________the exam. She is always busy ————– something or the other. These dresses were ____________ sale last week. Jeanne was texting her boyfriend ___________the teacher was teaching. 14. for Master the details of English grammar: Learn more about this course He was brought —————– by his grand parents. She often boasts —————– her aristocratic upbringing. Kathleen apologized ________________ her brother’s poor behaviour. Never deviate ——————– the path of truth and virtue. Your email address will not be published. Exercise-Prepositions Questions And Answers Candidates will get 20 practice questions on prepositions on this page, but before heading to the preposition exercise candidates shall check out the Rules for Prepositions in English grammar. Is it possible to achieve just about everything one aims ————–? Choose the correct preposition. ) 12. from Test Your Preposition And Conjunction Knowledge! A Preposition in the English language is placed before the object in the sentence. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition. 9. Take up the multiple-choice questions below and get to have some practice by merely choosing the correct missing preposition in each sentence. 5. 1. She accused me —————— stealing her flowers. 1. All rights reserved. Q.2. Quiz. The lecture will be held right ______________ the tutorial. 7. over Prepositions Questions And Answers PDF:-Download PDF Here. 8. 17. Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence, or choose --- if no preposition is necessary. For example: "Many shops close on Sundays." Take up the multiple-choice questions below and get to have some practice by merely choosing the correct missing preposition in each sentence. 24. Julia came all the way _______________ Russia to see her boyfriend. So keep tabs on time. Prepositions MCQ Quiz Answers To know the latest updates and the questions of the Prepositions applicants can refer to this post. 4. to This novel makes several allusions —————- Greek mythology. At is used with times: at 10am February 7, 2018. Find them and replace them with the appropriate verbs. It was a long walk, so he began moving slowly ________________ the town. 4. When we get ready for dinner, I have to take my books__________ the table. Keep paper and pencil ready but keep your books away. 15. on There is a bridge _____________ the river. David cleaned his room by stuffing everything _________________his bed. He has been charged —————– the murder of his landlady. Eventually she complied ————– my requests. 25. Amanda hasn’t seen her older sister _______________ last April. Share Your Results 5. at In Timed Test you will not be able to view the solution during the test but can be. 22. CBSE Class 9 English - Prepositions. 10. with He is afflicted —————– a serious ailment. He was anxious —————– contact his parents. When the quiz is graded, the correct answers will appear in the box after each question. These MCQ's are extremely critical for all ICSE students to score better marks. John needs to submit the report _________ his boss before 5 pm. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for Prepositions - ICSE Class 9 Grammar on Topperlearning. Take the preposition quiz to find out! 17. to The mother asked the eldest boy to (1) went to the market and fetch some groceries. So, all the aspirants need to know that how to put a preposition in the sentences.