Chosen by God to be a vessel to the Gentiles, Paul’s writing and preaching encouraged the early church and taught them how to live a God-centered life in a pagan-centered world. As we saw in Acts 2:42, the early church devoted itself to the apostles’ teaching. Pingback: Was Saul a pastor, a prophet, or an evangelist? When Did the Church the Body of Christ Begin? Since Paul’s apostleship and message involve God’s transition from dealing with Israel (Jew) only to dealing with all nations (Gentiles), it is appropriate for Him to use a man who has both a Jewish nature and Roman (Gentile) nature. Corinthians and Romans from his third missionary journies. Why was Saul of Tarsus’ name changed to Paul? [8] But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith. The New Covenant: Does It Abolish God's Law. | For What Saith the Scriptures? 9:1-3). Thus the Sunday worship of the church is an evidence of and a testimony to the resurrection of Jesus. Say, “Paul became a humble servant, and that is why we know he was changed. 4:1-5). Check out our 60 new Bible Q&A booklets for sale. At the same time, we would sin to affirm our “unity” with those who name Christ as Savior, but who deny doctrines that are essential to the gospel. Reports of uncertain reliability place Paul's death at about a.d. 67 under the deranged oversight of Nero. His accusers took off their coats and laid them at the feet of a young man named Saul. He couldn’t even call someone across town. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! 12:1-8; 12:10-13; Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-5; Luke 6:1-11; 14:1-6; John 5:9-18; 7:22,23; 9:14-16). This is the earliest clear reference to the custom of the church to gather on the first day of the week, rather than on the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday). So am I? [11] And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And I persecuted the followers of the Way, hounding some to death, arresting both men and women and throwing them in prison. Paul’s life stands as a testimony to God’s power and grace working in the lives of His people to carry out His purposes. But he saw and heard “inexpressible things.” Pride would be the natural sinful response to an experience like this, but pride and conceit have no place in God’s servant. Other things, such as his meeting with the church in Troas, are described in more detail. Saul of Tarsus first appears in Acts 7:58. This version points out 183 Old Testament passages that Paul quotes or paraphrases in his writings. Interestingly, the Apostle Paul never refers to himself as “Saul” in any of his epistles of Romans through Philemon. It is under the instruction of Gamaliel that Saul prepared and trained to be a Pharisee. You've planned for your future. It all began with the events surrounding the death of Stephen. (excerpts  from Baker's Evangelical Dictionary). He was committed to strengthen these churches for mission. For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision. But we probably have that exhortation distilled in the letters that Paul wrote to these churches. This is why I refuse to participate in the upcoming “unity” service in Flagstaff, since it includes churches that teach that salvation requires our works added to faith in what Christ did for us on the cross. (Acts 9:6). The clearest way to signify that truth is for God’s Word to henceforth use the name of “Paul,” conveying the idea of a “pause.” So, from Acts 13:9 onward, he is no longer called “Saul.” He is thereafter called “Paul.” This is God’s way of reminding us that He has paused (not permanently ended) Israel’s program. It makes us examine ourselves to make sure that we have confessed all of our sins against the Lord and against one another. Saul was born in Tarsus, Cilicia, some 300 miles (483 kilometers) north of Jerusalem, but he grew up in Jerusalem under the tutelage of the well-known rabbi Gamaliel (Acts 22:3). From 1977-1992 he was the pastor of Lake Gregory Community Church in Crestline, California. Should Christians observe All Saints’ Day? United Church of God is a 501(c)3 organization. In my mind, Paul met Jesus on a dusty road, spent three days fasting in Damascus, regained his eyesight, then jumped right into ministry to the Gentiles and never looked back. Last week I reread part of the story of Hudson Taylor, the pioneer missionary to China, and I thought, “The huge country of China is different today, 100 years later, because of Hudson Taylor’s vision and commitment to take the gospel to that land.” Then the convicting question hit me, “Will Flagstaff be any different because I have lived and labored for Christ here?” To be honest, I’m not sure that I have a satisfying answer to that question yet! Why did Jesus say to throw the net on the “right” side? They were representatives of the various churches, entrusted with carrying their collection (which Paul had raised) to Jerusalem to help the poor believers there. Paul's writings all arise from the crucible of missionary activity and the theological effort required to educate and sustain those who found Christ through his preaching. Like Elymas/Barjesus, she is temporarily blinded (refer again to Romans 11:25-27). Saul was highly educated. Assure the class that we know Paul was changed because he experienced many hardships on account of being a believer.