Intermediate level. 5 Bestimme die korrekten Verbformen. Past Participles – Bingo Instructions: Choose 24 verbs from the list below and write the past participle of each one in any space on your bingo card. Use simple past, past perfect or past continuous for this exercise-- Printable and online version tenses worksheets . Home. 3. Intermediate level Advanced level Home. 4 Vervollständige die Verbtabelle. Kostenlose "Exercises" und Arbeitsblätter zum Thema "Simple Past" im Englisch-Unterricht an den weiterführenden Schulen - mit Lösungen! After Ken ---- (complete) his project, he worked out in the gym for a while. Worksheets - handouts. Advanced level. But the medium-difficult activities in the following worksheet add an extra challenge to the easier ones in the above worksheet. ... Use simple past, past participle or past continuous. There are mainly two types of verbs.They are, Regular Verbs and Irregular Verbs. Your teacher will call out certain past participles. Mix them up. Simple past and past participle tense of regular and irregular verbs in English. Worksheets - handouts. Irregular Verbs Worksheet 10 – English grammar worksheets. As soon as Michael ---- (learn) English; he signed up for the Spanish course. Do not write them in the same order as the list. Content. Lernziel dieser Work Sheets ist die richtige Bildung der Fragen im Simple Past und die richtige Verwendung der Fragewörter Who, What, When, Where. 2 Ergänze die Regeln zur Bildung der Vergangenheitsformen. Arbeitsblätter zum Ausdrucken von Irregular Verbs – Simple Past and Past Participle 1 Entscheide, ob die Verbformen regelmäßig oder unregelmäßig sind. In regular verbs, we add -d, -ed or -ied to form their past simple and past participle.. For example; Hard Irregular Verb Activities . Video: irregular participles. Tenses Worksheet; Nouns Worksheet; Question Tags; Simple, Complex Or Compound; Pronouns Worksheet; Kinds Of Nouns Worksheet; English Vocabulary Exercise; Combine Using So…That; Tenses Worksheet; Question Tags Exercise; Prepositions Exercise; Gap … 2. 1. (This will ensure you all have a different card.) View & Download PDF. If you have one, cover it with Past participle Exercises - intermediate 01 # not suitable for all phones. Index of contents . 3 Bestimme, wie die Verben ihre Stammformen bilden.