Während des Krieges bemerkte Isabella die Fähigkeiten und die Energie von Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba und machte ihn zu einem der beiden Kommissare für die Verhandlungen. Unter ihrer Schirmherrschaft begann De Córdoba eine außergewöhnliche militärische Karriere, die die Organisation und Taktik des aufstrebenden spanischen Militärs revolutionierte, die Art der Kriegsführung veränderte und das europäische Kräfteverhältnis veränderte. In Alcáçovas hatten Isabella und Ferdinand den Thron erobert, aber das ausschließliche portugiesische Recht auf Schifffahrt und Handel im gesamten Atlantik südlich der Kanarischen Inseln bedeutete, dass Spanien praktisch vom Atlantik ausgeschlossen und des Goldes von Guinea beraubt wurde. Some of Isabella's living conditions improved in Segovia. Isabella und ihr Bruder Alfonso wurden in König Henrys Obhut gelassen. Those that had not been granted as a reward for services were to be restored without compensation; while those that had been sold at a price far below their real value were to be brought back at the same sum. Henry now needed a quick way to please the rebels of the kingdom. Living conditions in their castle in Arévalo were poor, and they suffered from a shortage of money. Before 1476, the justice system in most parts of the country was effectively under the control of dissident members of the nobility rather than royal officials. They were supported by Afonso V of Portugal, who hastened to invade Castile and there betrothed himself to Joan. She signed a truce in 1492 that made Spain a Christian country. [19] Afraid of opposition, Isabella eloped from the court of Henry with the excuse of visiting her brother Alfonso's tomb in Ávila. Aus diesem Grund musste Isabella dringend einen Weg finden, ihr Königreich zu reformieren. "Isabella I" redirects here. On 1 February 1482, the king and queen reached Medina del Campo and this is generally considered the beginning of the war for Granada. Although the story of her offering to pledge her jewels to help finance the expedition cannot be accepted, and Columbus secured only limited financial support from her, Isabella and her councillors must receive credit for making the decision to approve the momentous voyage. Hunderte von denen, die noch übrig waren, wurden von der Inquisition gegen rezidivierte Conversos ( Marranos ) und die Judaizer, die sie begünstigt hatten, untersucht. In addition to these departments, there was also a Supreme Court of the Santa Hermandad, a Council of Finance, and a Council for settling purely Aragonese matters. Detail of the Columbus monument in Madrid (1885). Isabella and Alfonso were left in Henry's care. Systematisch nahmen sie das Königreich Stück für Stück ein. The queen was still concerned with these problems when she died in 1504. Die Unterstützung für die Rebellen hatte jedoch nachgelassen, und Isabella zog eine Verhandlungslösung der Fortsetzung des Krieges vor. Isabella and her husband had created an empire and in later years were consumed with administration and politics; they were concerned with the succession and worked to link the Spanish crown to the other rulers in Europe. The police force was to be made up of locals who were to regulate the crime occurring in the kingdom. New York, Ankerbücher, Pinguin, 2014. Am Ende der Reconquista blieb nur Granada für Isabella und Ferdinand übrig, um zu erobern. Der Tod von Isabella von Aragon machte es für Manuel I. von Portugal notwendig, wieder zu heiraten, und Isabellas dritte Tochter, Maria von Aragon , wurde seine nächste Braut. During the war, Isabella noted the abilities and energy of Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba and made him one of the two commissioners for the negotiations. The household was traditionally divided into two overlapping bodies. Der Krieg dauerte fast ein Jahr, bis am 1. While many of the nobility were forced to pay large sums of money for their estates, the royal treasury became ever richer. But, undoubtedly, she played a large part in establishing the court as a centre of influence. Henry seems to have wanted his half sister to marry Afonso V, king of Portugal. [87] The Jews had until the end of July, three months, to leave the country and they were not to take with them gold, silver, money, arms, or horses. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Although Isabella and Henry were to some extent reconciled, the long-threatened war of succession broke out at once when the king died in 1474. It was even said by one Castilian citizen of the time that murder, rape, and robbery happened without punishment. Going against his promises made in September, Henry tried to make the marriage a reality. Der Vertrag von Granada wurde später in diesem Jahr unterzeichnet, und darin gaben Ferdinand und Isabella ihr Wort, damit die Muslime und Juden von Granada in Frieden leben können. Isabella of Castile (22 April 1451 – 26 November 1504) was a queen of Castile and León.She was the daughter of John II of Castile and his second wife Isabel of Portugal.. Isabella once again refused the proposal. [85] Spain entered a Golden Age of exploration and colonisation, the period of the Spanish Empire. Meanwhile, in 1480 the Inquisition had been set up in Andalusia. Sie ist in Granada in der Capilla Real begraben , die gebaut wurde von ihrem Enkel Charles V, dem Heiligen Römischen Kaiser (Carlos I. von Spanien), zusammen mit ihrem Ehemann Ferdinand, ihrer Tochter Joanna und Joannas Ehemann Philip I . Place this template on an article or user page to create a gallery of images on that page along with captions. Ein Jahr später, mit dem Fall von Málaga , war der westliche Teil des muslimischen Nasrid- Königreichs in spanische Hände gefallen. [3] She, her mother and her brother Alfonso then moved to Arévalo. The last decade of her reign took place against a background of family sorrows brought about by the deaths of her only son and heir, Juan (1497); of her daughter Isabella, queen of Portugal, in childbirth (1498); and of her grandchild Miguel (1500), who might have brought about a personal union between Spain and Portugal. November 1453 geboren und senkte ihre Position auf den dritten Platz. University of Hull: Genealogische Informationen zu Isabella I. Isabella I von Kastilien - Fakten (Video), Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Isabella sah auch die Notwendigkeit, eine persönliche Beziehung zwischen sich als Monarchin und ihren Untertanen herzustellen. Scotts Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps, Scotts Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps:Quantities Issued, Pages containing cite templates with deprecated parameters, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles containing non-English-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2014, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Descendants of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, San Juan de los Reyes y la batalla de Toro, The council of the Santa Hermandad: a study of the pacification forces of Ferdinand and Isabella, http://www.queenisabel.com/Canonisation/CanonicalProcess.html. In 1492, a Genoese explorer, Christopher Columbus, told Queen Isabella I that he believed he could arrive to Asia by sailing west instead of east and requested that the queen help him by giving his ships and supplies. In der Zwischenzeit verhandelte Johannes II. (Der 1464 gestorben war) ein angeblicher päpstlicher Bulle überreicht , der Ferdinand ermächtigte, im dritten Grad der Blutsverwandtschaft zu heiraten und ihre Ehe zu schließen legal.