We design a new method for risk-aware business process management. South African organisations have been acknowledged as among the leaders in this area of corporate reporting with many listed companies and large state-owned companies having issued integrated reports. The FIBF is a model that enables the Federal government to better coordinate and document common business needs across agencies, focusing on outcomes, data, and cross-functional end-to-end business processes. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. BPRIM: An integrated framework for business process management and risk management. PIC.gov, Resources We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. The framework will be attractive to companies who wish to develop their narrative reporting around the business model to explain how the business has been developed. Where that report is also prepared according to the framework, or even beyond the framework, it can be considered an integrated report. Historical financial statements are essential in corporate reporting, particularly for compliance purposes, but do not provide meaningful information regarding business value. These terms can include the total of all the capitals, the benefit captured by the company, the market value or cash flows of the organisation and the successful achievement of the company’s objectives. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.511; 2 CFR 200.513; 2 CFR 200.521, Provide request for additional information from grant recipient concerning audit information as specified by Uniform Guidance, Capture additional information from grant recipient concerning audit information as specified by Uniform Guidance, Evaluate additional information from grant recipient concerning audit information and record results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results of additional information from grant recipient concerning audit information as specified by Uniform Guidance, Identify and document technical guidance related to audit findings and corrective actions and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide technical guidance related to audit findings and corrective actions consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to grant recipient with technical guidance related to audit findings and corrective actions consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification of additional information receipt from grant recipient concerning audit information and evaluation results to appropriate parties consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine allowance or disallowance of questioned costs from audit finding(s), calculate any amount owed, and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide allowance or disallowance of questioned costs from audit finding(s) and amount owed consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine course of action for recovering disallowed costs amount and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide course of action for recovering disallowed costs amount consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to grant recipient of disallowed costs amount and course of action for recovering amount owed consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.344; 2 CFR 200.410; 2 CFR 200.521, Capture grant recipient response that there will be a delay in providing additional information concerning audit or information is unavailable consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate grant recipient response that there will be a delay in providing additional information concerning audit or information is unavailable and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results concerning grant recipient response that there will be a delay in providing additional information concerning audit or information is unavailable consistent with Uniform Guidance, Identify that grant recipient has not responded to request for additional information concerning audit and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide grant recipient lack of response information to request for additional information concerning audit consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine course of action for grant recipient lack of response to request for additional information concerning audit and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.338; 2 CFR 200.511; 2 CFR 200.513; 2 CFR 200.521, Provide course of action information for grant recipient lack of response to request for additional information concerning audit consistent with Uniform Guidance, Identify and document cross-cutting audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide cross-cutting audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine and document Federal awarding agencies affected by the cross-cutting audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide Federal awarding agencies affected by the cross-cutting audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop notification from cognizant agency for audit to key management single audit liaisons at agencies affected by cross-cutting audit finding(s) and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification from cognizant agency for audit to key management single audit liaison at agencies affected by cross-cutting audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate cross-cutting audit finding(s) and corrective action plan and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results concerning cross-cutting audit finding(s) and corrective action plan consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results concerning cross-cutting audit finding(s) and corrective action plan to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document request information from key management single audit liaison(s) to the cognizant agency for audit to provide agency input to the management decision letter (MDL) for cross-cutting audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide request from key management single audit liaison(s) to the cognizant agency for audit to provide agency input to the management decision letter (MDL) for cross-cutting audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate request from key management single audit liaison(s)to provide agency input to the Management Decision Letter (MDL) for cross-cutting audit finding(s), identify guidance for MDL input, and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide agency with guidance for Management Decision Letter (MDL) input for cross-cutting audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop agency input to Management Decision Letter (MDL) for cross-cutting audit finding(s) and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide agency input to Management Decision Letter (MDL) for cross-cutting audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.511-13; 2 CFR 200.516; 2 CFR 200.521, Evaluate agency Management Decision Letter (MDL) input cross-cutting audit finding(s), and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results concerning agency Management Decision Letter (MDL) input for cross-cutting audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document Management Decision Letter (MDL) information and route for review consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide Management Decision Letter (MDL) for review and approval by appropriate parties consistent with Uniform Guidance, Approve Management Decision Letter (MDL), sign, and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide approval signature information for Management Decision Letter (MDL), including date and time consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide disapproval information and identified issues for Management Decision Letter (MDL) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Update Management Decision Letter (MDL) information to address issues and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide updated Management Decision Letter (MDL) for review and approval by appropriate parties consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide Management Decision Letter (MDL) to grant recipient as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide Management Decision Letter (MDL) to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document request for establishment of receivable for repayment of grant recipient disallowed costs amount consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide request for establishment of receivable for repayment of grant recipient disallowed costs amount consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture confirmation of establishment of receivable for repayment of grant recipient disallowed costs amount consistent with Uniform Guidance, Identify disallowed costs information associated with confirmation of establishment of receivable for repayment of grant recipient disallowed costs amount and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide disallowed costs information associated with confirmation of establishment of receivable for repayment of grant recipient disallowed costs amount consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture grant recipient Management Decision Letter (MDL) appeal information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate grant recipient Management Decision Letter (MDL) appeal information and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide grant recipient Management Decision Letter (MDL) appeal information evaluation results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide response to grant recipient concerning Management Decision Letter (MDL) appeal consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture direct reporting information from grant recipient on fraud, waste, or abuse consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture direct reporting information from auditor on grant recipient fraud, waste, or abuse consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.513; Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) 7.24, Evaluate direct reporting information on grant recipient fraud, waste, or abuse, and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results concerning direct reporting information on grant recipient fraud, waste, or abuse consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to Federal law enforcement officials of reported grant recipient fraud, waste, or abuse consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.513; Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) Chapter 7.24, Determine course of action for reported grant recipient fraud, waste, or abuse and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide course of action for reported grant recipient fraud, waste, or abuse consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to grant recipient concerning course of action for reported fraud, waste, or abuse consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine affected Federal awarding agencies and other appropriate parties; develop notification with course of action for reported grant recipient fraud, waste, or abuse; and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to key management single audit liaison(s) at affected agencies and other appropriate parties of course of action for reported grant recipient fraud, waste, or abuse as specified by Uniform Guidance, Capture grant recipient prior audits or reviews that have been conducted as specified by Uniform Guidance, Evaluate scope and extent of grant recipient prior audits or reviews that have been conducted to determine if an additional grant recipient audit needs to be conducted and record results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for determination of need for an additional grant recipient audit to be conducted as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to grant recipient of additional audit to be conducted as specified by Uniform Guidance, Evaluate grant recipient estimated costs information for additional audit to be conducted and record results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results concerning grant recipient estimated costs information for additional audit to be conducted as specified by Uniform Guidance, Capture grant recipient corrective action(s) status information for audit finding(s) as specified by Uniform Guidance, Identify appropriate parties for notification of receipt of corrective action(s) status information, develop notification, and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to appropriate parties of receipt of corrective action(s) status information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate status information for grant recipient corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for status information of grant recipient corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for status information of grant recipient corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Identify and close audit finding(s) with completed corrective action(s) and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide closed audit finding(s) information with completed corrective action(s) to appropriate parties and OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Identify grant recipient past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document request to grant recipient for justification and revised timeline for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide request to grant recipient for justification and revised timeline for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture grant recipient revised timeline and justification information for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate grant recipient justification and revised timeline information for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s), , and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results concerning grant recipient justification and revised timeline information for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide approval to grant recipient concerning revised timeline information for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document recommendations for grant recipient concerning revised timeline for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide recommendations to grant recipient concerning revised timeline for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture grant recipient updated timeline information for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) based on recommendations consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate grant recipient updated timeline information for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) based on recommendations and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results concerning grant recipient updated timeline for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) based on recommendations consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine that grant recipient has not responded to request for justification and revised timeline for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide grant recipient lack of response information to request for justification and revised timeline for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine course of action for grant recipient lack of response to request for justification and revised timeline for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide course of action information for grant recipient lack of response to request for justification and revised timeline for past due corrective action(s) for audit finding(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine grant recipient audits to be included in quality control reviews and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide grant recipients audits to be included in quality control reviews consistent with Uniform Guidance, Conduct quality control reviews of selected grant recipients' audit information and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide results of quality control reviews of selected grant recipients' audit information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture audit deficiencies requiring corrective actions by auditor as specified by Uniform Guidance, Develop and document notification to auditor and grant recipient, if needed, of audit deficiencies requiring corrective actions by auditor as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to auditor and grant recipient, if needed, of audit deficiencies requiring corrective actions by auditor as specified by Uniform Guidance, Capture status information concerning audit deficiencies requiring corrective actions by auditor consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate status information concerning audit deficiencies requiring corrective actions by auditor and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results of status information concerning audit deficiencies requiring corrective actions by auditor consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop notification concerning auditor failure to take corrective actions to address audit deficiencies and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification concerning auditor failure to take corrective actions to address audit deficiencies consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification of major inadequacies or repetitive substandard performance by auditors to state licensing agencies and professional bodies consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate audit findings related to improper payments, fraud, waste, abuse or resulting in government sanctions and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for audit findings related to improper payments, fraud, waste, abuse or resulting in government sanctions consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine noteworthy or important audit trends, significant problems, or quality issues, and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide noteworthy or important audit trends, significant problems, or quality issues as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results of audit execution to identify the most cost-effective audit processes consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine and document auditor compliance checks and compliance supplement updates related to improper payments, fraud, waste, abuse or resulting in government sanctions for compliance supplement updates consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.513; 2 CFR Appendix XI to Part 200, Compliance Supplement, Provide auditor compliance checks related to improper payments, fraud, waste, abuse or resulting in government sanctions consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide compliance supplement updates to appropriate parties for consistent with Uniform Guidance.