Jeffrey Gill [ctb], Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public. Clay Ford [ctb], Post a new example: Submit your example. Perhaps the actual output would help here. > > I'm installing pwr via packages.install('pwr'), and loading it via > library(pwr), both of which appear successful. > > Strangely, I never get access to the pwr object in R. Brian J Mingus wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm having trouble getting access to the pwr. I'm installing pwr via packages.install('pwr'), and loading it via library(pwr), both of which appear successful. As you can see in the console, it is stating that out package installed successfully. Robert Volcic [ctb], [! Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R. Run. Claus Ekstrom [ctb], Documentation reproduced from package pwr, version 1.3-0, License: GPL (>= 3) Community examples. Power analysis functions along the lines of Cohen (1988). Nothing. Once you click on the Install button, R studio starts installing the selected package, and here it is DBI. Feel free to select your required package. Stephane Champely [aut], API documentation R package. Created by For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets. Stephan Weibelzahl [ctb], for association, Power calculations for balanced one-way analysis of variance tests, Power calculations for the mean of a normal distribution (known variance). Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public. This is on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx, > 64 bit. Helios De Rosario [cre], Helios De Rosario . Strangely, I never get access to the pwr object in R. Click on the Install button to start the package installation process. Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R: install.packages("pwr") Try the pwr package in your browser. pwr-package: Basic Functions for Power Analysis pwr: pwr.t2n.test: Power calculations for two samples (different sizes) t-tests of means: ES.w1: Effect size calculation in the chi-squared test for goodness of fit: pwr.t.test: Power calculations for t-tests of means (one sample, two samples and paired samples) pwr… Peter Dalgaard [ctb], R is open source so everyone can write code and publish it as a package, and everyone can install a package and start using the functions or datasets built inside the package, all this for free. Power analysis functions along the lines of Cohen (1988). Looks like there are no examples yet. Aditya Anandkumar [ctb], [Rdoc](](, Plot diagram of sample size vs. test power, Power calculation for two proportions (same sample sizes), Power calculation for two proportions (different sample sizes), Power calculations for two samples (different sizes) t-tests of means, Effect size calculation in the chi-squared test for goodness of fit, Power calculations for t-tests of means (one sample, two samples and paired samples), Power calculations for the general linear model, Power calculations for proportion tests (one sample), Effect size calculation in the chi-squared test