The truth be known that the poor mouse is more frightened of you than you are of it. The harvest mouse is the smallest rodent in Britain weighing just 6 grams, about the same as a twenty pence coin, its scientific name, Micromys minutus, reflects its tiny size but it wasn't given a common name until the 18th century for the simple reason that it hadn’t been discovered until then. We modeled environmental and habitat associations of the marsh-endemic, Federally endangered salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris, RERA) and co-occurrence with eight associated small mammal species from annual trap data, 1998–2014, in six estuarine marshes in North San Francisco Bay, California. Meanwhile, the mouse usually avoids areas, dominated by cordgrass (Spartina) and alkali bulrush (Scirpus). Locally common but thought to be declining. Scientific name. Even the name ‘harvest mouse’, is an undeniable link to lowland arable landscapes. Most people, when thinking of the harvest mouse, picture the tiny red-brown animal clinging to a ripe ear of wheat. A wild mouses habitat is usually in a field, a nest, or in a burrow in the ground. Status. The first survey of the harvest mouse in Britain was conducted by the Mammal Society in the 1970s, and later followed up by the National Harvest Mouse survey in the late 1990s. Population. Harvest mouse. Preferred habitat of this rodent is salt and brackish marshes with an abundance of pickleweed (Salicornia). Covariates included microhabitat metrics of elevation and vegetation … Habitat and lifestyle. The scenario is usually a female screaming and jumping onto the nearest chair. 1,425,000. Mice will be sampled using live traps. If you spot a mouse running around you home, do not be alarmed. 3.6 Habitat differences of salt marsh harvest mouse and California vole Reithrodontomys raviventris and MICA generally spanned a similar range of site attributes (Figure S1.4 ). The harvest mouse is incredibly susceptible to a range of threats, including habitat destruction and degradation – primarily as a result of agricultural intensification – and extreme weather events such as floods and prolonged frosts (Perrow and Jowitt, 1995), which are becoming increasingly frequent as climate change progresses. However, some differences in distributions were suggested by results of unpaired two‐sample t tests of covariate values at locations where RERA and MICA were both trapped (Table 8 ; Table S1.8 ). Mice can also be found in our homes and in other buildings. Harvest mice are the smallest rodents in Europe and the only British mammal to have a prehensile tail, able to grasp plant stems as they move through long vegetation. The Saltmarsh harvest mice favor secluded places and are rarely found in open areas. Traps will be set at up to 80 locations across the NWA within a variety of habitat types. These surveys indicated that harvest mouse nests were on a decline with 85% of the suitable habitat no longer available for the mice. Micromys minutus. The specific purpose of this study is to determine the abundance, distribution, and habitat use of the western harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis dychei) at Suffield National Wildlife Area (NWA) for the purposes of identifying critical habitat.