Mandarin orange trees also need a consistent supply of water. How to Plant Orange Trees in Pots (Tip #3-5), If you want to have the most success in the quickest way then immediately after you plant your orange tree fertiliz, How to Care for Your Orange Tree (Tip #6-9). The mature size will be determined by the size of the container. Consider growing mandarin oranges indoors. This is often an overlooked item when planting in pots. After applying your fertilizer (per the instructions on the package) you will want to water it. Diane Watkins has been writing since 1984, with experience in newspaper, newsletter and Web content. Once you determine your oranges are ready to harvest all you have to do is gently grab the orange where it meets it stems and twist until it comes off! Refer to our guidelines for planting; Potted clementine tree. There is a chance other soils can harm and sometimes kill your orange tree. I cannot stress how important this is when learning how to grow orange trees in pots. So indoors they should be near a southern or south-western window or glass door for the best results. An hour's exposure on the first day, increased by an hour or two daily until the tree is able to stay in or out for the full day, gives it time to adjust naturally. If you are growing it in a pot, the best thing to do is to move it to a greenhouse or an unheated lean-in so as to protect it from freezing, while letting it feel the cool it needs over its winter dormancy. Order online, and we will ship right to your door. FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS $39+ | Limited Time Offer! Just be sure the rocks are sticking out of the water so your mandarin orange plant is not sitting in water. If your forecast is calling for weather below 50 degrees fairenheit then bring your orange trees in. Join our mailing list today and GET $5 towards your first purchase of $50 or more. Care from re-potting to pruning helps boost lemon harvest…, Kumquat is a citrus for which you can eat the skin together with the cute fruits. My current mandarin orange tree is only 4 feet tall and won’t get much bigger. Mandarin oranges solve this problem and are great when learning how to grow orange trees in pots. Clementine fruit is what your average consumer eats and knows of. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other fungi that stunt growth and potentially lead to death. Mandarins adapt well to being grown in containers, and they can be brought indoors for the winter in colder climates. You will want to do this every two to three years. Wrong soil will provide incorrect nutrient, poor drainage, and an environment for disease and pests. Initially, water your orange tree for approximately 30 seconds until the fertilizer dissolves and the soil is a dark brown. He holds a Master's Degree in Environmental Planning and Design from the University of Georgia. You should not have to do this more than twice. It should be noted though that if you keep your orange tree inside all year then watering once a week for 30 seconds should suffice. Now you can tackle growing mandarin oranges indoors (at least part of the year). Watering at these times will help minimize evaporation and leaf burn. Wooden pots are great pots if you plan on leaving your orange tree outside all year. Share your garden joys & woes! After you have had your orange tree for about 5 years you should not need to transplant it again. When outdoors, remember it can hold to temperatures as low as 17°F (-8°C). And if it doesn’t have proper room to grow or enough drainage holes then it can quickly stunt its growth or even die. However, young trees are more easily damaged by freezing temperatures, as are potted trees. Hold off until temperatures are closer to 50 degrees and don’t put it in direct sunlight right away. Depending on temperature and humidity, they will need to be watered about twice per week. A slow-release citrus fertilizer applied every 3 to 4 months takes care of the orange tree's nutritional needs. Use well-draining soil such as a sandy loam. This is a biggie. Can You Grow Clementine Mandarin Oranges Indoors?. Clementine trees are also much more cold hardy than other orange trees can survive temperatures as low as 40 degrees.