But I understand that could create a lot of junk. Most of these maps are based on OpenStreetMap, but there also layers for Google Maps, Bing Maps and an extensive list of regional map providers. Would love someone to make the same for the Irish Ordinance Survey maps covering the last 170 years. Enter the URL of the image to be inserted into the map. Tip: If you don’t have latitude and longitude information, you can use addresses in your columns instead. this.div_.style.height = sw.y - ne.y + "px"; // The photograph is courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. The only map sources I would suggest to add are: a) Caltopo: High res USGS 7.5 Topo maps"http://s3-us-west-1.amazona..." + z + "/" + p.x + "/" + p.y + ".png" }, maxZoom: 16, b) Thunderforest Outdoor"http://tile.thunderforest.c..." + z + "/" + p.x + "/" + p.y + ".png" }, maxZoom: 16. This spotter is in radio contact with another spotter on the beach. The style was developed originally as part of one Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team mapping project to function as a general map style with a twist/focus for the needs of humanitarian and international development work. this.div_ = document.createElement("div"); Does anyone know how this was produced? "javascript/examples/full/images/talkeetna.png"; Government sites and many services should implement this type of GE-map-overlay in their sites. 2. TypeScript, Babel can be generated from this sample * added to the map. I unfortunately don't have any influence on what ads are served by Google and (living in Germany) I have never seen "download buttons". Jesus Christ! I it needs to be done by Martin & from what I can see, there may be some cost implications. these maps are indeed fantastic! Martin, Thank you times a million. // actually create this div upon receipt of the onAdd() Drawing Tools; Libraries: Geometry . Select Open data table, and the data table view will appear: You can make changes to your data by clicking on any field in the table view: The table and infowindows for your map locations are synchronized, so any changes you make will be reflected in both places. Google Cloud Shell is an interactive shell environment for Google Cloud Platform that makes it easy for you to learn and experiment with GCP and manage your projects and resources from your web browser. Has anyone managed to remove the watermark "API Key Required"? I can't find the osmarender maps though, neither in the combined nor the openstreetmap overlay, Unfortunately the osmarender tiles are also offline, so there is currently no option for pistes here. Yahoo unfortunately blocks requests from the Google Earth client, so it is not possible. // This example creates a custom overlay called USGSOverlay, containing #map { Can you please verify the links? this.div_.style.top = ne.y + "px"; } It would just be wonderful to be able to see the topographical maps of the Brazilian army in Google Earth.http://www.geoportal.eb.mil... Hi Martin,thanks for these map layers! Hi Martin, I suggest to add Sardinia Aerial Maps from here: http://www.sardegnageoporta...There are 7 layers but the most important are 4: Ortofoto 1954, Ortofoto 1968, Ortofoto 1977 and Ortofoto 2000.Tiles source:1954) http://webgis.regione.sarde... (256x256px)1968) http://webgis.regione.sarde... (256x256px)1977) http://webgis.regione.sarde... (256x256px)2000) http://webgis.regione.sarde... (256x256px), Hi Martin! can you add the outdooractive winter map with the layer showing the pith? You have learned how to import data, customize styles and share your map using Google My Maps. I know you have to support the site but Google is not in favor of this practice. top: -99999px; const overlayProjection = this.getProjection(); About the Svalbard map: I didn't manage to find a working tile url. It utilizes resources more efficiently and contains 12 new map sources. So ads are going to stay on this site. This website doesn't integrate with google earth, do you know any that can provide topography in a format that would work with google earth? Hover your cursor over the text Temporary, and select the gray paint can icon that pops up. Select the paint can. http://www.opentopo.nl/ Thanks! Under “Add people” at the bottom of the menu, type in the e-mail addresses of the people you’d like to share your map with directly, or choose from your contacts. Basic LocalContextMapView; Adjusting Local Context Search Bounds; Residential Neighborhood Viewer; Customizing the Local Context Map; Responding to Local Context Events; Places. Select the sharksightings.csv from your desktop. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Check out : *Boundaries/CPAD_AccessType (MapServer) - Holdings displayed by access type (Open Access, Restricted Access, No Public Access, and Unknown Access)*Boundaries/CPAD_AgencyClassification (MapServer) Holdings displayed by owning agency classification ('LAYER' field) *Boundaries/CPAD_AgencyLevel (MapServer) Units displayed by agency level (Federal, Non Profit, State, Special District, County, City, or Private). Tip: You can set a default view for the map. thanks for that great service! The swiss maps are unfortunately not compatible with this site and Yandex blocks the Google Earth client. I also just noticed that your comments section is supported by Disqus. /* TODO(cl/330601385) waiting on fix to be deployed */ These overlays amazing, thanks for sharing them! Click the pencil icon {pencil_icon} in the info window. Great idea that works perfect. } map-overlays-for-google-earth-combined.kmz. Style your map. margin: 0; // Add the element to the "overlayLayer" pane. this.div_.appendChild(img); To see how images have changed over time, view past versions of a map on a timeline. // google.maps.event.addDomListener(). img.src = this.image_; About Disqus: I have absolutely no time to implement my own comment system and to deal with comment spam and security. // method so we'll leave it null for now. What's the best/easiest way to break the image up into 2D tiles at the various zoom levels so I can act as a tile server for Google Maps via the API? // We'll use these coordinates to resize the div. Here seems to be broken... Also chiming in for wanting Strava heatmaps! Now let’s upload the second data layer. Select the text of the layer title, and change the name to Shark Spotter Beaches. // Initialize all properties. I hope you are nevertheless able to enjoy these overlays as much as I do. constructor(bounds, image) { But your clever .kml works perfectly! Prerequisites. Compare the similarities and differences between the old and new maps by adjusting the "visibility" bar, and see how Philadelphia has changed over time! After quite some time there's a new version that mainly updates the application to a new Python runtime (because Google deprecated the old one) and that slightly restructures the groups of map sources. this whole things started with me wanting to have map overlays in Google Earth for myself. Any chance to see also openmtbmap.org map? You may want to do this if you notice a typo or want to add extra information to your info windows. There are many ways you can access and edit My Maps on the go: view and edit maps in the My Maps app; view and edit maps on your mobile browser; or just view them in Google Maps for mobile. mapTypeId: "satellite", It's quite tedious to have to download and install every time. Hover your cursor over the text All items (69). But it's really a general style well suited for many needs. } }, */ Is there a way to make the contour lines disappear from google earth overlay as well after zooming enough?