Not all obstetrics and gynecologists offices are the same. (520) 721-8605, copyright 2020 copperstate ob/gyn associates, ltd, The first thing you should do is call your OBGyn and make an appointment. Book Video Consultation Online with the best gynecologist in India. If your partner attends, they will be allowed to ask questions as well. Most often, you’ll be seen for your first appointment between 6-12 weeks. She then referred me to an OB for my first and I had an appointment with her later in my pregnancy (around 10 weeks sounds right), with the second I found a midwife after confirming results with my family doctor and they scheduled my first appointment for around 7 weeks. She continued to monitor me every week till I saw a midwife at week 9. Your first prenatal care appointment typically occurs during weeks 8 and 12 of your pregnancy (this might be different if you’ve gone through IVF or other fertility treatments.). Watch Video on Common Pregnancy Questions: The process in pregnancy is evaluated from day one of your last period. When there is a specific amount of hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) in your urine, the result comes positive. Therefore, it is essential for you and your partner to sit together and plan your savings. 10–12 Doppler detection of fetal heart, CVS, […] +91 99728 99728, If you found this article interesting and would like to know more, talk to a Cloudnine expert today! “There are some cases when we recommend women come to the office earlier (when they have a positive pregnancy test), such as if a woman has had recurrent early pregnancy losses or … So  don't know my ultrasoundthe next day and turns out I may be 10 weeks instead of 8. welshweasel Mon 06-Jun-16 19:16:03. Planning a baby is a tough job and can also be expensive. My first doctor appointment was at 8 weeks. To ensure the health of you and your baby, you’ll need to schedule regular visits to your doctor during your pregnancy. Book an appointment online to consult with Dr. Shweta Bansal Wazir for gynec issues. Let us join you on your pregnancy journey. Some of them, however, may experience symptoms of early pregnancy, such as bleeding, which occurs when the fertilized egg connects to the wall of the uterus. You should start taking prenatal vitamins. ), Pap smear (if the patient is due for one). You will experience a lot of changes in your body and skin. Swollen feet, constipation, frequent urination are common in pregnancy. 1997-2020 All rights reserved. I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks just to ease my mind but otherwise just at 12 and 18 weeks. Cloudnine Made My Pregnancy Journey A Joyful One. Just wondered what everyone else did when they first went to visit the doctor following a positive pregnancy test? Copyright ©, All rights reserved, The time between the pregnancy test and finding a result looks like an eternity. The first few days and weeks after a positive pregnancy test may be full of mixed emotions. We're here to help with your. Home pregnancy-testing kits are generally so accurate these days that, if it’s positive, you are almost certainly pregnant. How soon after your positive home pregnancy test did you see a doctor? This is my first preg. Your first prenatal care appointment typically occurs during weeks 8 and 12 of your pregnancy (this might be different if you’ve gone through IVF or other fertility treatments.) Thanks xx. For a few days, you wonder how to behave, how to react, or what to do. From hospital bills to maternity care, you will have to spend on many things. What Are Some Of The Pregnancy Questions To Your Doctor? That’s why our programmes and packages are tailored as much for hopeful mothers, as for expectant ones. Thanks ladies, I guess I just have new mom jitters and want to do everything right. Hence, it is essential to ask your maternity specialist for some, Planning a baby is a tough job and can also be expensive. Healthy eating during pregnancy is vital to your baby’s growth and development. Then once every 4 weeks then I get referred to OB at 30 weeks. expectations upon meeting your doctor for the first time, but try to maintain an open mind and a flexible attitude. The hCG is a hormone which is released eight to ten days post-conception when the fertilized egg connects to the wall of the uterus. By the way, if you want a midwife, make the calls now! This is my first pregnancy (I am 4 weeks) and I don't know anyone who has been pregnant so I am feeling really lost and confused. They sent me for a dating ultrasound at 8 weeks so I can't imagine waiting until 10. You don't usually have to see the doctor. Swimming and jogging are the two best workouts for women you are pregnant. With both my pregnancies I went straight to my family doctor, with the second I had taken a home test and made an appointment with her right away to confirm it. After all, pregnancy can be as unpredictable as it is beautiful, and keeping an open mind will help you to better handle any unexpected surprises in your journey. The time between the pregnancy test and finding a result looks like an eternity. Hence it is wise to start saving. At last, when you find a positive pregnancy test result, your happiness in being parents is indescribable. I saw my family doctor immediately. Use this guideline for making your appointments and understanding common procedures for each visit: Weeks Possible Tests 6–8 Blood type, rubella titer, blood counts, hepatitis screen, ultrasound. You will have to. Doing exercise daily can keep your body strong and healthy. OP’s posts: See next | See all Add message | Report | See all. Remember, this is your news to … So exciting! You will feel this more if this is your first pregnancy, but the experience is valuable, whether it is your first or second pregnancy. They will most likely be the one who will be with you throughout your entire pregnancy and delivery. But if you want to know the exact date, talk to your doctor. Call Us : +91 99728 99728, We welcome Cloudnine customers to share their experiences.