Production was safeguarded by growing more than one crop or variety in space and time in a field as. Resources: The productive resources i.e. blurted this. This, in turn, creates soil erosion and degrades the quality of surrounding farmland. Technology-intensive farming methods are used in modern farming. Modern agriculture may create substantial environmental effects, such as adding toxins and pesticides to water that leaches into rivers, lakes and the atmosphere. Modern Agriculture demands a use of lot of fertilizers, pesticides etc. *Over usage of machines , pesticides or chemical substances may lead to environmental damage. 2010-11-02 00:10:46 2010-11-02 00:10:46. Top Answer. Modern agriculture may create substantial environmental effects, such as adding toxins and pesticides to water that leaches into rivers, lakes and the atmosphere. Advantages and disadvantages of modern and traditional methods of agriculture? Traditional farming adheres to the traditional methods of agriculture. Apart from being the largest Class 9 community, EduRev has the largest solved In a general sense, when only a few enterprises are run by the farmer, in which he has acquired special knowledge, it is known as specialized farming. This farming method relies on the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, chemical-based species invasion control and genetically modified organisms. You can study other questions, MCQs, videos and tests for Class 9 on EduRev and even discuss your questions like On the other hand, modern farming makes use of the modern equipment. Will 5G Impact Our Cell Phone Plans (or Our Health?! Disadvantages of modern agriculture Evidence indicates, however, that excessive reliance on monoculture farming and agroindustrial inputs, such as capital-intensive technology, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, has negatively impacted the environment and rural society. What are the different types of Greenhouse structure? 3. Seed driller.... What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Modern Technology? Asset: Legitimate utilization of assets is not possible. 1. What is the difference between drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation system? Thus, it is an accepted fact that traditional farming is laden with quality. Verdict on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Factory Farming Factory farming is a necessity in some ways because of our need for food. Hence, the job opportunities provided to laborers are comparatively poor and less. Advantages of Rain Gun Sprinkler irrigation. * Maintenance cost is very high. What Are The Disadvantages Of Science And Technology Contribution In Agriculture And Genetic Engineering? Modern farming methods require the farmer to start with more cash than before. Wiki User Answered . Disadvantages of modern farming are following:-*Farmers is unable to handle machines properly. Advantages are: Instant communication anywhere, anytime. The industrial way of farming is what produces tons of food every year, … On the other hand, modern farming does not need great amount of labor since the machines take care of everything. Better utilization of land: More profitable to grow crops on lands most appropriate to it. By continuing, I agree that I am at least 13 years old and have read and *Over usage of machines , pesticides or chemical substances may lead to environmental damage. Advantages and Disadvantages of Agriculture. @media (max-width: 1171px) { .sidead300 { margin-left: -20px; } } If the answer is not available please wait for a while and a community member will probably answer this What are the advantages and disadvantages of Specialized Farming in Modern Agriculture? The pesticides that we use for killing pests kills the efficent insects too the water holding capacity of the soil will be decreased Thank Writer ; Comment; Blurt; thanked the writer. On the other hand, modern farming experiments with the implementation of advanced technology in the field of agriculture. ), The Secret Science of Solving Crossword Puzzles, Racist Phrases to Remove From Your Mental Lexicon. Top 30 Agriculture Mobile Apps for Farmers in India – 2020, Briquettes:Advantages and Disadvantages of Briquettes. These disadvantages of specialization are evident when the farmer realizes that “all his eggs are in one basket”. Harvestors, Exorbitant and productive machineries can be kept: A wheat harvesting machine can be permanently kept in a highly specialized wheat farm to be more productive, The proficiency and expertise of the labor increase: Specialization enables a man to be more productive and master at doing a certain things, Records: Farm records can be looked after easily, Production: Intensity of production leads to relatively large amount of output. What Are the Disadvantages of Modern Agriculture. Role of Agriculture in Indian Economy 2020, Advantages and Disadvantages of Polyhouse Farming, Cricket Insect types, sounds and characteristics. All rights reserved. 4. What Are The Dis Advantages Of Legalizing Divorce In The Philippines? Do you agree ? What are the disadvantages of modern farming? Better promoting / marketing:  permits grading, processing, storing, transporting and finance the produce. 47 48 49. (I have a lovely but stubborn Taurean baby daughter), Didn't find the answer you were looking for? These are the important differences between traditional farming and modern farming. Modern equipments include: is done on EduRev Study Group by Class 9 Students. are solved by group of students and teacher of Class 9, which is also the largest student Agricultural yields were modest, but stable. I have been in a bad horrid depression in the past what are the chances of an relapse? Traditional farming and Modern farming differ from each other in a big way. Tractors, What Grade Do You Think Is Appropriate To Have Your First Dance? Festival of Sacrifice: The Past and Present of the Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha. Most of these methods are not employed in traditional farming. This discussion on Disadvantages of modern farming? Disadvantages of commercial agriculture. * Maintenance cost is very high. As it carries an array of advantages, it also ends up with certain disadvantages. It also harms the food that they are growing by the poisoness think present in the pesticides which is used to kill the pests. This is the main difference between them. EduRev is a knowledge-sharing community that depends on everyone being able to pitch in when they know something. *Over usage of machines , pesticides or chemical substances may lead to environmental damage. Traditional farming may yield less, but there is sufficient quality attached to its yield. Causes soil erosion - Results in the loss of soil fertility due to increased use of chemical fertilizers. Types of Biofertilizers and its Advantages. Why? What are the key factors to be considered in selecting profitable cash crops? How to construct organic terrace garden in your house? Agrotechnomarket offers the latest articles about agriculture innovation and technology, agribusiness, agricultural drone, agriculture conference, food security, farming in the modern era, farm machinery, farm toys, farm software and apps, and marketing for agricultural products 2019 2. asked Dec 10, 2019 in Important Questions by manish56 ( -4,945 points) What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern agriculture. It’s the main method that ends up producing the vegetation and meat products that we typically eat. Another important difference between traditional farming and modern farming is that traditional farming needs great amount of labor and hence, the job opportunities provided to laborers are more. Traditional vs Modern Farming . E-mails and cell phones give you instant access to people, but the this advantages are, that if you had... What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Modern Communication Technology? The dramatic yields from modern farms are entirely due to good weather, NOT improved methods, gas powered... How Are Modern Farming Methods Different From Traditional Farming Methods? over here on EduRev! We also need to increase production capacity or agricultural products to suit the growing human population. Because, instead we do the long way of farming we use the shortest way to make farming easier,therefore,we cannot practice exercising our body. January 12, 2018 mani Farming Techniques In a general sense, when only a few enterprises are run by the farmer , in which he has acquired special knowledge, it is known as specialized farming . Is the Coronavirus Crisis Increasing America's Drug Overdoses? On the other hand, traditional farming relies more on the traditional and home made preparations to ward of pests and insects. Traditional farming tolerated the unpredictable environment better than modern farming that relies heavily on modern procedures and equipment.