§ I’m afraid I can’t agree. Glossary of terms relating to ethnicity and race: for reflection and debate R Bhopal..... J Epidemiol Community Health 2004;58:441–445. § Rubbish! or the Cambridge format (and the types of debate are often called Oxford debate and Cambridge debate as a result). In basic Oxford debate, each debater speaks only once, with the exception of the first affirmative debater. What’s more, debating is fun! (4) The qualifiers How certain is my claim? What is my thesis? § I’m afraid you’re wrong § On the contrary! There are all sorts of things you have to consider when picking a subject: whether you'll be able to talk for long enough about it, how excited you feel about it, how easy it will be to research, what your English teacher will think of it, and much more. In summary, we want to point out that… Let’s see which arguments are still standing.-Let’s take stock of where we are in this debate. You may also see Goal Setting Worksheets – PDF. Coming up with a current and interesting debate topic can be tricky. EXPRESSIONS FOR DISCUSSION AND DEBATE 3 Disagreeing Expressing complete disagreement § I don’t think so! Best of all, you have the opportunity to stand up and argue with someone Aristotle named 3 … As a society, we debate about almost everything - from tax reform to mowing the lawn. Step 3: Organize & Number • Debate is an analytical process. § Never in a million years! Let’s sum up where we stand in this debate. § Definitely not! Debate Phrases Sheet: a range of standard English phrases Suitable phrases to use when opening, building a case, summarising, rebuttals, rejecting, accepting and finishing statements. The association with the two universities may not be exactly correct but the terms are now well established. A debate is actually a type of a competitive and two-way conversation, in which the goal is to win the argument and persuade someone, not only the other party, but more particularly the third-party observers. newspapers, and in our own homes. Debate Preparation Worksheet Example Are the parts of my argument logically connected? § Nonsense! (2) The support What is the evidence(or data) for my claim? Debating gives you the chance to meet new people and new ideas. (3) The warrant What is the reasoning involved in my claim and its support? You may also see Alphabet Worksheet Examples in PDF. Normally Pro side (or “Affirmative”) has right to define, but Con (or “Negative”) can challenge if definitions are unfair. When and where should I Let me summarize our position in this debate. • Do not try to be tricky or evasive. doi: 10.1136/jech.2003.013466 This glossary focuses on the concepts and terminology used in the study of the health of minority ethnic and racial groups. It is hoped that it will stimulate debate on this Debating is everywhere, and everyone can do it. It is persuasion through reasoning. define terms with a specific proposal. 100+ Debate Topics to Choose From. § That’s ridiculous! Using irony to express disagreement These phrases are from Debate and Discussion by David Moser. § I disagree § I disagree entirely. The checking list of an argumentation (1) The claim What am I trying to prove?