He does the same thing as one word of excuse. The second section lists “complex prepositions… She has eaten all my grapes, bar one. English Prepositions List – an English Club ebook 4 Introduction This ebook contains a list of most English prepositions in use today. complex prepositions in grammars (such as in spite of, by dint of, in front of) and sequences of a more occasional, ad hoc nature. Like simple prepositions, these two-word combinations come before a noun: Examples: according to Shakespeare, contrary to my advice, due to illness, in aid of charity, in front of the window, in line with inflation. Examples: The children were against their mother riding a camel since she is allergic to camel’s hair.. Prepositions of Directions / Movements English Explanation / Meaning Examples across On, at, to or from the other side across the street; lines across the paper The mother called the three sons to divide the pizza among them. Six cats slept atop a three-metre wall. The first section lists “one-word prepositions” (for example before, into, on). These complex prepositions act in the same way as single-word prepositions. This is a list of English prepositions.Many English prepositions are compounds of bare roots and affixes such as a-, be-, -side, and -st, giving English a relatively high number of morphemically distinct prepositions.However, these processes are no longer productive, and many of these prepositions have fallen out of use or become limited to a certain dialect. It confirmed the finding of a Czech study (Kroupová, English Prepositions Listed - An EnglishClub.com eBook www.esldepot.com 5 Introduction This ebook contains a list of most English prepositions in use today. The first section lists “one-word prepositions” (for example before, into, on). The second section lists “complex prepositions” (phrases of two or more words that function like one-word prepositions, for example according to, but for, in spite of). Compound prepositions pdf Compounding an excuse is an excuse that consists of more than one word. She began to think of getting married at the age of thirteen. There was a single duck amid a brood of chickens.