Managing moles, voles and shrews can be challenging, so using an integrated pest management approach with tools such as trapping, baiting and habitat modification will give the best chance for success. Bait traps can be used, including raisins, peanut butter, nut meats, prune slices, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, or common breakfast cereal grains. In order for castor oil to be effective the entire lawn must be irrigated with 1/2" of water prior to the application. We know how to tell the difference between moles, voles and shrews and we can eliminate them from your premises, so reach out to us today. Here is one sure way to tell: voles have short tails, but mice have longer tails (about their body length). A section of roofing shingle placed over the burrow opening and baited with an apple slice will attract voles. Voles tunnel under the snow pack in winter, but remain above ground and create those “highways” in the grass you see when it melts. Place the trap perpendicular to the runway with the trigger end in the runway. Traps should be placed along the sides of runways and perpendicular to the runways. Position bird feeders at least 15-30 feet away from buildings. Store-bought repellents either come in spray form or granule and usually contain castor oil with a mixture of other ingredients that repel voles with their odor and taste. A mole has a pointed snout, enlarged front feet, and eyes and ears so tiny that they are not visible. The Connecticut Cooperative Extension System is an equal opportunity employer and program provider. A common solution for mole infestation is to apply a castor oil-based mole repellent to your yard. Pet Care advice, Reviews, and Animal Stories, April 17, 2019 by EcoPetLife Leave a Comment. Shrews will reuse the tunnels made by voles and moles, and will also occasionally invade buildings. Check daily to see if the worm was gone. When vole populations are high, many field crops are eaten. What is the difference between voles vs mice? The Eastern mole is gray and has a nearly hairless short tail. Plus, they can build nests in thick leaf mulches or hay in the cropping or garden areas. Never leave a vole carcass in your yard, or it can attract other animals and cause even worse problems. There are other mole killer baits on the market containing the active ingredient. The color of the sides and back of these mice varies from dark gray to nearly black. Commonly, mice have huge damage causing physical abilities. Wire or metal barriers (tree guards) at least 12 inches high, with a mesh size of 1/4 inch or less around blueberries or trees, will exclude meadow voles. To help keep voles from becoming a problem, mow your lawn and minimize vegetation that’s against the structure.            These are inserted also into a long straight- run main tunnel. Voles do not physically hurt people; but, they are dangerous in the sense that they can spread disease through their feces and urine and may introduce parasites onto your property. Next, place some bait inside of the trap. In Connecticut, meadow voles are more abundant and destructive than pine voles. Dogs and cats can serve as natural vole repellents because of their inherent predatory nature. Females mature in thirty-five to forty days. Lawns must be tamped down continually to avoid root desiccation as roots hang in tunnels with no soil contact. Also, they can build nests in thick hay or leaf mulches in the garden or cropping areas. Grass is more conducive for the bugs and grubs that serve as food for the mound-building moles. Typically, customers notice burrows in their mulch, or runways that part the grass or in the snow. Voles are herbivores that enjoy a variety of different nuts, seeds, plants, and fruits, so you could try pieces of fruit covered in peanut butter or even a piece of the vegetation they’ve been feeding on. Use good cultural methods to enable planted seed to grow as quickly as possible. Despite good cultural practices, pests and diseases at times may appear. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, Stop Code 9410, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964. Moles, voles and shrews can easily be distinguished from one another by looking at some of the key physical characteristics of each. If you focus on removing the voles first, others could still be attracted to your yard and start the cycle all over again. Chemical control should be used only after all other methods have failed. Who We Are Use good cultural methods to enable planted seed to grow as quickly as possible. Generally, all feeding tunnels come off the main tunnel. Moles may actually reduce the number of underground insect pests of lawns as they can eat 70-80% of their weight daily but in doing so wreak havoc by their tunneling operations. You can also buy live traps that work by using one-way or spring-loaded doors. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Dean of the College, Cooperative Extension System, University of Connecticut, Storrs. The product instructions will let you know how often you should be using them and how long. Use 1/4-inch mesh hardware cloth to keep chipmunks away from gardens and flower beds. Chemical control should be used only after all other methods have failed. Pine voles feed on crowns and plant. Repellents should not be used on any plants intended for human consumption (as this can lead to food poisoning). Voles do not like to end up in peoples home. Mice can jump one foot straight up, live in temperatures as low as 14ºF and squeeze through an opening slightly larger than 1/4 of an inch. The chipmunk has a white stripe above and below its eyes and its white underside. Shrews feed on insects, earthworms, slugs, small animals, seeds and roots. A vole( meadow mouse), has rounded ears and body and is brown or reddish and black in color with a gray underside. Voles have short life spans, ranging from two to sixteen months. Leave in place a few days before baiting to allow the animals to become accustomed to it. Control. Toxins are contained in a bait. Use repellents either as a preventative method before you have spotted any voles or in conjunction with other treatment methods to prevent voles from coming back. Cages can be made large enough to protect blueberries, small trees, and other shrubs. Compared with other ground-dwelling mammals that cause damage, voles’ runways will never be larger than 3” and won’t create any tunnelling. After determining this, the trap must be set so the supports straddle the tunnel and the harpoon prongs point directly over the main tunnel.                                House mouse Mus musculus These shelters can also serve as bait sites. For the same reason, voles love when there’s a nice pile of mulch leading up to a plant or tree. This is why we advise you to clean up your yard before moving into strategies for eradication. Bait traps can be used, including peanut butter, nut meats, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, raisins, prune slices, or common breakfast cereal grains. By nature, chipmunks are omnivores, feeding on both animals and plants. Trimming back trees prevents voles from hiding underneath them and helps the sun reach your lawn in order to dry it out after it rains. Shrew: A shrew has a pointed snout, and non-enlarged feet (unlike the mole). Their tails are as long as their bodies but are shorter and less hairy than white-footed mice tails. Prairie voles are one of the few species of animals, including humans, swans, and beavers, that mate for life. White-footed mice, the most common species, and deer mice have white feet and abdomens, large ears and eyes, and tails as long as their bodies. The main difference between moles and voles is that voles … Oftentimes our customers call us to report seeing a small, mouse-like creature scurrying around their landscape. But keep in mind that moles are also found at the fringes of woods that are mostly hardwood trees. Voles are primarily herbivores and will feed on the seeds, roots, bulbs, and bark of many ornamental plants and grasses. Although mice have an aversion to some odors and tastes, at present no repellents have been found to solve a mouse problem completely. These are inserted also into a long straight- run main tunnel. Although mice are not blind, they do have poor vision and are unable to see clearly beyond six inches. Their sense of smell is acute. In addition to different physical characteristics, moles, voles and shrews each live in different habitats and have distinct food preferences. The star-nosed mole has a long, very hairy tail and has 22 finger- like appendages surrounding its nostrils. Shrews habitats are many, depending on the species. What is the difference between a mice vs voles? Breeding occurs majorly in summer and spring, producing from 1 to 3 to siz young per year. When trying to use control measures for mice, it is vital to know how they feed and where they live. Check for the presence of grubs to see if that is the primary reason moles are in the lawn.