Previous / Next . Shoulder Strain. Front squats and other exercises that require significant shoulder mobility to keep the weight off the wrists can also place unwanted stress on the area. Look for this banner for recommended activities. Most people think that a physiotherapist is for when you’ve experienced an injury. This can make it much more serious in the long-term. In fact, one doesn’t even have to be working out to sprain their ankle. Common Workout Injuries. You’ll ensure proper form and achieve more in the long-term. Shop: Foot and ankle. Learn how your comment data is processed. All rights reserved. Cookie Policy A common injury for runners and cyclists, iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) occurs when the IT band (a band of ligaments… When running outdoors, aim for flatter, level surfaces and keep a close eye on foot placement when you run over challenging terrain. How To Prevent Common Gym Injuries. They’ll then use hot and cold treatment, massage, electrical stimulation, and specific exercises to resolve the injury. Footwear | Fitness Apparel | Outdoor Gear. These are the ones that become overloaded. Unfortunately, the downside of exercising is that you’re pushing the limits of your body. This reduces the likelihood of delayed onset muscle soreness which can make your muscles sore and stiff. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. That’s why you should know the 5 most common gym injuries and what you can do to prevent them. The most common gym injuries one might have while working out are-Muscle pull or strain-A muscle pull can injure anyone regardless of their age. Sometimes, overstretching can cause the muscle fibers to tear, which in turn affects the hamstring or calves. Elbow pain can show up in a number of ways, but the most common injury is lateral epicondylitis or "tennis elbow." Face and eye injuries 6. Using too much weight … Kickboxing. Support & Feedback Including adductor strengthening exercises such as leg raises and clamshells in your lower body routine will also go a long way towards keeping you injury-free. How to prevent it: Make sure you are maintaining a neutral spine when you lift. . Maintain good posture (a slouched position compresses the shoulder joint) and avoid repetitive overheard movements with weights that are too heavy. Focus on selecting weights that are light enough to allow the rotator cuff muscles to work without relying on the deltoids and pectoral muscles. Accidentally shifting … Even if you don't play tennis, this tendonitis can crop up after using weights that are too heavy, performing identical exercises every time you workout or utilizing improper technique. Facebook. Over time, repetitive overhead movements such as military presses, or activities that require a lot of shoulder mobility (such as throwing a ball or swimming), can lead to a rotator cuff strain. The 5 Most Common Gym Injuries & How To Prevent Them, Working out is good. When you do this you’re more likely to experience an injury. They can design a customized exercise plan that will strengthen the weakest joints in your body, reducing the risk of an injury occurring. This muscle inflammation can crop up after only a few workouts, and the risk becomes especially high if you've recently increased the intensity or frequency of your training. Kettlebell swings and cleans can help, as well as wrist rotation exercises and wrist extensions with a Theraband. Often during our working day we want use our hip muscles very much. Most injuries are minor and caused by plain old over-exertion. Trying to lift too much will cause muscle and ligament damage. Sign In. Stretching is also vital to avoid injuries but doing so past their limits tears them and can lead to serious damage. and/or its affiliates and licensors. Pain that seems to radiate along the inner edge of your shinbone (or tibia) may be a sign of media tibial stress syndrome—more popularly known as "shin splints." In other cases, injuries can happen suddenly – slightly incorrect technique on a … You see the warning signs but decide to push anyway, a decision you’ll come to regret. How to prevent it: If you are a runner, make sure your footwear is in good condition, and increase your mileage slowly and safely. Weak hip muscles combined with other factors such as improper footwear and no warm up can result in our knee taking the brunt of the stress! Sign In, Join Active Today’s fitness clubs, cycle studios, Pilates classes and yoga centers (to name a few) have become our modern day gymnasiums. Adding family members helps ACTIVE find events specific to your family's interests. The rotator cuff is often the problem in shoulder injuries, including impingement … All it takes is a bad step! Using weights that are too heavy or performing too many repetitions can also damage the knee extensors and cause pain. The key to avoiding such an injury is to stay focused at all times while engaged in leg or feet exercise. The pain may be exacerbated when you try to walk downwards as well. The best way to get new runners off the couch and across the finish line of their first 5K. That’s why you should know the 5 most common gym injuries and what you can do to prevent them. The wrist is a complex joint with a high degree of mobility, but high mobility and instability often go hand-in-hand. When running on a treadmill, exercise caution in getting on and off the belt and, if available, attach the safety clip that shuts the machine off if you fall. © 2020 Active Network, LLC and/or its affiliates and licensors. As the weights you lift increase, you will come to a point … Please see your Privacy Rights for how your information is used. Below are the most common body parts prone to injury at the gym, and how they can be prevented: 1) THE KNEE. I have suffered from many injuries in the gym and after that I learnt to follow instructions of gym trainers." The good news is there are several things you can do to prevent these injuries from occurring. Privacy Settings Shoulder Injuries. Knee Injuries. However, they can also be minefields filled with dead weights, one-ton workout machines, pulleys, steel wires, wet floors and bacteria-filled mats. Often related to poor tracking of the patella, you may hear a creaking, crunching or grating sound as your knee moves through a normal range of motion. The best thing you can do is warm up before you start any form of exercise. They can design a customized exercise plan that will strengthen the weakest joints in your body, reducing the risk of an injury occurring. All rights reserved. Rotator Cuff Injury. Before working out you should do dynamic stretches. Weightlifters may irritate the tendon by performing an exaggerated wrist flexion at the end of a bicep curl, lat pull down or seated row. Keep your knees healthy by focusing on exercises that strengthen the hips and quadriceps. Six Most Common Causes Of Gym Injuries. From marketing exposure to actionable data Running hills or on hard surfaces (such as concrete or asphalt) or training in worn-out shoes also increases your risk. Injury however, is a sure fire way to screw up all three of these in one foul swoop. Piya C. 559. When you overexert your muscles, you’re likely to pull them. And when a couch potato hits the gym, most of the pounding brought about by the exercises goes to the feet and ankles. 16 Most Annoying Things People Do At the Gym. or You can’t possibly avoid pain, but misunderstanding tendon tear for the usual cramps can lead to serious damage to muscles and ligaments. Hence, injuries are inevitable in gym life. This is when you feel pain or soreness around the kneecaps or have trouble sitting, standing, walking. Attempting to continue when not healed properly means you’ll aggravate the injury. Terms of Use Performing one heavy bench press too many can take you from strengthening your chest to straining it. Two common reasons for gym injuries are: Poor posture during the working day, which eventually weakens your entire musculoskeletal structure. Improper help from your training partner. It seems to be more common than ever before. The truth is if you work out regularly, chances are you will suffer an injury at some point. Elbow pain can show up in a number of ways, but the most common injury is lateral epicondylitis or "tennis elbow." Which of the following could be considered a strain? For many gym-goers and athletes, back strain is the result of tiny tears in the tissue when they the lower back muscles are stretched too far. Almost, all the pushing and pulling exercise stresses wrist. These mimic the movements you’re about to make and help your body prepare for the exercise. The Most Common Gym Injuries – Prevented. Old, unsupportive footwear can also contribute to ITBS. software for managing & marketing your events. 10 Most Common Gym Injuries (and How to Prevent Them). Modern way of life tends to lead us towards the gym as the main location to get rid of some excess energy and, hopefully, build up some muscle, lose some fat and generally start looking more movie stars. WRIST INJURY. We then go and do a workout, cardio session or a fitness class. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that support and stabilize the shoulder joint.