Christian Wolff is a composer, performer, improviser, and author. Christian Wolff’s The Law of Nations is a cornerstone of eighteenth-century thought. AMER. 339-354. He composes experimental classical music and was associated with the “New York School." But here’s the thing. A treatise on the philosophy of human action, on the foundations of political communities, and on international law, it influenced philosophers throughout the eighteenth-century Enlightenment world. Wolff’s mom, Shari Wolff, admitted that her son is a bit sensitive about some of the comments he receives about his swing but cites his trophies as reason for belief in his unorthodox ways. The eighteenth-century substitution of a new faith ­ in reason, "science," and the future ­ for that of revealed religion was facilitated by the establishment of new systems of logical analysis. of Ideas 22 (1961) : pp. SOC. At that time, Wolff was pioneering the use of indeterminacy in composition, using open scores that require the performer to interpret them. Confucianism and Christianity were essentially in agreement. ), Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: Background Source Materials . “Thomas Hobbes, Christian Thomasius and the Seventeenth Century Debate on the Church and the State,” History of European Ideas, 223 (2–4): 59–79. Christian Wolff 1679–1754: Interpretation zu seiner Philosophie und deren Wirkung, Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. Once Christian Wolff starts untangling the numbers—once he begins listening to the story they tell—he’s loathe to stop until the story’s done, even if it points to a bloody, brutal end. One person who was particularly interested in examinations of Chinese philosophy was the leader of the German Enlightenment, Christian Wolff. PHIL. CHRISTIAN WOLFF AND PSYCHOLOGY In this respect, Wolff's conception of his science does not differ terribly from contemporary notions of psy- chology as a … 85 Christian Wolff Vernünfftige Gedancken von dem Gebrauche der Theile in Menschen, Thieren und Pflantzen, den Liebhabern der Wahrheit Frankfurt and Leipzig: Renger, 1730. In addition, missionaries thought that Confucianism held common beliefs with the European philosophy and ethics regarding human nature and reason. Historically, key rationalists include Rene Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, and Christian Wolff. Schröder, Peter, 1998. It may be said, then, that rationalism is an a priori philosophical approach, meaning that a philosophical proposition is said to be determinable prior to sensory investigation or … Rational psychology, Metaphysical discipline that attempted to determine the nature of the human soul by a priori reasoning. Christian Wolff Christian Wolff - Christian Wolff (born January 24, 1679 in Breslau, died April 9, 1754 in Halle) was one of the most influential German philosophers of the eighteenth century. In Christian Wolff’s division of metaphysics, rational psychology was one of three disciplines included under the heading of “special metaphysics” (the others being rational Last fall, Wolff became curious about Christianity, which led him to Karsten Majors, a former Cowboys golfer who works with College Golf Fellowship. Would Christian be able to spend a little time with the numbers and see what they have to say? "Christian Wolff's Doctrine of the Soul," Jour. 228 [PROC. Hist. Christian Wolff: Rational thoughts on God, the world and the soul of human beings; also all things in general (1720) Wolff In Eric Watkins (ed. (Contains bibliography). Schönfeld, Martin, 2000.