It doesn't mean that they sell all food whole. The person behind the counter should let you know. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'catchandfillet_com-box-4','ezslot_6',130,'0','0'])); The cycloid and ctenoid scales are the most common type of scales found on bony fish. How to Use a Powerbait for Catching Trout, Best Saltwater Spinning Reels for Under $100. Let’s take a look at the 4 different types of fish scales.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'catchandfillet_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',119,'0','0'])); Placoid scales are usually flattened rectangular shapes. I guess I kinded of made it up to mean the opposite of "scaled" :)Cheers,-Helen. if I can use that as an example and very stiff. I have been buying filets all my life and I think this is a lazy trend that just happened to me today! You can make this argument if the fish is whole, but once it's filleted and its flesh is exposed to air, scales are not going to help :)Cheers,-Helen, I apologize if my post was misleading in some way, I was not making the claim that the scales make the fish 'fresher' in any way, just that the idea of fresh Salmon is to have it as close to coming out of the water as possible, and adding the step of descaling is just putting more distance between the Salmon in the water and the Salmon in my mouth.Another reason behind leaving the scales on during processing is the cost. They even scale sardines. !....And then, all over my dinner plate??!!...YUK!!!!!!!!! Learning about fishing can be very interesting and a lot of fun. It's that simple. We couldn’t talk about all the wonderful things fish sales can do for your body without introducing a more appetizing way of eating them. ), but filleting salmon is not, since there are currently restrictions on filleting at-sea many fish species for which there is a size limit--and salmon is definitely one of those species to which this restriction applies. Why? It was a pretty bizarre thing to experience - these were not scales I'd be able to eat, and I've never bought a piece of fish that had scales on it (and I've never asked for it to be done - always assumed that my fish would already be de-scaled).De-scaling two flimsy fillets was a pretty annoying process (15 minutes to get every last scale - those things are sticky! Growing up on the south shore of Long Island, Chum Charlie has always had a passion for fishing. Came upon this blog by chance. Can you imagine sitting through a meal where something hard was getting stuck in your teeth with every bite? (Like...what does that even mean, what kitchen?? Hi Amy,So far, I only sent it to the two Whole Foods where I shop. I don't send stuff back in restaurants, I rarely return anything I buy, and in general I hate to complain about bad service. I can scale a fillet in under 2 mins. Some fish scales are a little bit healthier than others. If you ever get to Austin, let me know, I'll introduce you to my favorite fishmonger at Central Market. Interestingly enough, there are 4 different types of fish scales. So, MY BAD.....I hate that I might have damaged my credibility here by blurting out anything as stupid as saying we filleted salmon on-board; I personally never have, and neither has anyone that I know, and such a correction most definitely needed to be made here, after the egregious placing of my foot inside of my mouth. The fish scales do have some minerals and healthy fats in them. Next time you’re at a fish counter (or back at your childhood home) see if you can get some up-close-and-personal face time with a cod, and I bet you’ll find it to be both smooth and scaly. -- all of them have delicious skin, but are normally sold already filleted, so buying them whole and cleaning them yourself is not even an option. Off the water, he enjoys blogging and sharing his favorite fishing tips & tricks that he has learned over the years. (PART 1 of 2)Wow! About the scales making the fish "fresher." I enjoy buying a whole fish. Don’t let his bit of healthy knowledge encourage you to leave those scales on. !I'm 55 years old, and I grew up in Humboldt County, Ca.--i.e., salmon country. Answer: I am an expert on many things, Sara, but codfish is not on that list. So someone who’s trying to buy a pound of whitefish might accidentally buy a similar-looking fish that does not have scales. You may also be interested in learning: How to Scale a Fisheval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'catchandfillet_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',133,'0','0'])); As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. That doesn’t mean you would want to though. Salmon is rarely scaled. It’s an exciting feeling to catch your own food. Other fish have scales that are only visible with a microscope. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to