???? ??? وراثت سے مراد خصوصیات کا ایک نسل سے دوسری نسل میں‌ منتقل ہونا ہے. (b) RBC will burst easily while cells of onion peel will resist the bursting to some extent. 9th Class Biology: chapter 1 Introduction to Biology Short Questions Answer Explain macromolecules with an example? Endocytosis is the ingestion or engulfment of food and other material by folding of the plasma membrane it as seen in Amoeba. بو علی سینا(1037-980) : انہیں علم طب کا بانی مانا جاتا ہے. اور بدلے میں ان کو نقصان پہنچاتے ہیں. Chloroplasts contain the pigment chlorophyll which is responsible for food preparation in plants by the process of photosynthesis . Answer: What are the functional differences between a plasma membrane and cell wall? Leucoplasts are present anywhere in plant as they are colourless and store food. Where are genes located? Viruses, Question 28. Question 9. Amoeba, Bacteria, Paramecium. Ribosome. ?? Major diferences are: Question 4. If cells of onion peel and RBC are separately kept in hypotonic solution, what will happen to each of them? Which organelle is the storage sac of solid and liquid materials? Answer: Question 4. Answer: Give an example of unicellular organism. اس کے بیج تیل نکالنے کے کام آتے ہیں. Whereas, in RBC the movement of water inside the cell due to osmosis will lead to bursting of the cell because it does not have a rigid cell wall. Therefore, these are largely present in secreting cells. It helps in the formation of cell plate during cell division. What do you mean by plasmodesmata? After modification, these are transported to the cell surface through vesicles which bud off from Golgi complex to fuse with cell membrane and form a part of the membrane. The main function of Golgi bodies is to release proteins or enzymes by vesicles. سیل بائیولوجی میں سیل کی تقسیم یعنی سیل کی ڈویژن کا مطالعہ بھی کیا جاتا ہے. When salt is added, a hypotonic medium is created, i.e., the concentration of salt molecules is more outside the vegetables than inside. انھوں نے عراق میں علم طب کی پریکٹس کی.ان مشہور کتاب" النباتات"اور الحیوان ہیں. زولوجی (اس ڈویژن میں‌جانوروں‌ کا سائنسی علم حاصل کیا جاتا ہے) Answer: بائیو لوجی کی تین بڑی ڈویژن کے نام درج ذیل ہیں. Answer: It holds cellular contents and controls passage of materials in and out of cell. Movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration is called diffusion. Question 2. Question 9. بوعلی سینا کو مغرب میں ایویسینا پکارا جاتا ہے وہ ایک طبیب'فلاسفر'ماہر فلکیات'اور ایک شاعر تھے . Functions of mitochondria: Give its composition. بائیولوجی کی اس شاخ کا تعلق جانداروں کی بناوٹ اور ساختوں کے مطالعہ سے ہے. فارماکولوجی:فارماکولوجی میں‌ ادویات اور جانداروں کے جسم پر ان کے اثرات کے علم کا مطالعہ کیا جاتا ہے. ??? بائیو مالیکیول سے کیا مراد ہے؟ گروپس کے نام لکھیں. Write the functions of mitochondria. If yes, explain why. مثال: 1. بائیو لوجی کی تین بڑی ڈویژن کے نام لکھیے. Semipermeable membrane is not required. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 9th biology 0. Ribosomes are found in greater number in actively dividing cells which are the cancer cells as they need more amount of proteins for the formation of new cells. (e) golgi apparatus is removed from the cell? Mathematically, M = P1 × P2, where Pi is the power of eyepiece andP2 is the power of objective. Question 6. Question 12. Question 10. 2. Answer: Which organelle is involved in the formation of lysosomes? زولوجی: Which organelle is associated with ribosome formation? [NCERT Exemplar] For example, DNA from the nucleus passes the information for protein formation to the ribosomes which send the proteins to Golgi complex and ER for modification and transport. Draw a labelled diagram of mitochondria. Answer: NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Extra Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life. ??. پیراسائیٹولوجی: پیراسائیٹولوجی ایسی شاخ ہے جس میں پیراسائیٹس کا مطالعہ کیا جاتا ہے. In animal cells they are larger and only one or two in number, while in plants they are smaller and more in number. Answer: Question 11. 3.سرجری میں جسم کے حصے تبدیل کیے جاتے ہیں. اس آرگن سسٹم میں موجود ہر آرگن اپنا اپنا مخصوص کام کرتا ہے اور تمام آرگنز کے کام آرگن سسٹم کے افعال بن جاتے ہیں. But the cell wall present outside the cell provides it rigidity and does not let any harm to occur. Question 4. 1. You’ll prepare using this huge databank. Question 1. SER helps in manufacturing lipids and transports them to various places. A person takes concentrated solution of salt, after sometime, he starts vomiting.