ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Not only is it immensely fun to destroy things, but it's crucial to your survival and success. But the most exciting thing Battlefield: Bad Company 2 has to offer is online multiplayer competition. If you were to buy Bad Company 2 solely for the single-player campaign, you might come away a bit disappointed. You get points for killing enemies, supporting teammates, and earning medals for your battlefield prowess. Earning points enables you to unlock new weapons, gadgets, and attribute-boosting specializations. Of course, just because the scenery is great doesn't stop you from wanting to blow it up. The big change comes with a more streamlined and cinematic approach to the action. These tools, coupled with the threat and promise of destructibility, make Bad Company 2's battlefields uniquely chaotic and electrifyingly fun. Trees, barricades, vehicles, buildings, and bridges all splinter and break apart when exposed to gunfire or explosives. It shouldn't come as any surprise that this Battlefield game has some great mechanics. They'll press the attack while you flank and hold off the enemy while you duck behind cover to recuperate. Yet the scale of destruction you can wreak is impressive, and the best part about it is how your destructive power becomes a seamless part of your battlefield strategy. The explosion showers debris in a realistic and satisfying way, and the sniper is taken care of. You can try to pick him off without exposing yourself, or you can bust out your underbarrel grenade launcher and blow the platform to smithereens. Your squadmates each have great personalities, and their banter is witty and entertaining. Up to 24 players compete in squads in a few different match types. On the Xbox 360 version, slow loading from the disc causes the player to be locked out for as much as five seconds from throwing grenades or using the knife when picking up a new weapon or changing kits (this issue went away when installing the game onto a hard drive). If the attackers succeed, two more targets open up, as well as an entire new section of battlefield. Most buildings can be completely leveled this time around, provided you have enough firepower, though metal structures like shipping containers are nigh impervious. The action is top-notch in both campaign and multiplayer alike. Bad Company 2 is a refreshing change of pace in this regard. Chris Watters The last Battlefield game was the first to introduce a fully fleshed out storyline and it stumbled a bit in the process. I have patched and tried everything and it is time to just throw it in the recycle bin. In addition to the rich audio clues, you can use the unique spotting mechanic to increase your team's battlefield awareness. The beginning of Bad Company's second tour finds Sarge, Marlowe, Sweetwater, and Haggard stationed in a wintery valley, supposedly serving out Sarge's last tour of duty. One daring escape later, you're dropped into the Bolivian jungle, where mosquitoes whine in your ear as you walk in the dappled light of the jungle floor. In Rush, the attacking team assaults an enemy position in an effort to destroy two targets of opportunity. Please use a html5 video capable browser to watch videos. That's not to say it's particularly bad in any way, but it doesn't feel impressive enough to stand on its own as a great experience. While the last Bad Company game couldn't hold my attention, this one kept me interested and having fun from start to finish. Haggard's love for the Dallas Cowboys and command of the Spanish language are two amusing subjects, while a conversation about respecting the dead adds enough emotional depth to elevate these characters above one-dimensional stereotypes. (There is also shorter, equally intense version of this mode called Squad Rush, reserved as a preorder bonus in North America for the first month of the game's release.) A distant crack indicates that an enemy sniper has a bead on you, footsteps inside a building can clue you in on where to aim your grenade, and friendly soldiers shout calls for ammunition or warnings that a building is about to collapse. The detail of these gorgeous locales is the first thing that will spring out at you as you begin the fight. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Want us to remember this setting for all your devices? Say there's a sniper perched in a tower covering your approach. Where To Buy A PS5: Cyber Monday Restock Possible At Walmart, GameStop, And More, Nintendo Switch Fortnite Edition Bundle Available Now For Cyber Monday, Where To Buy An Xbox Series X: Cyber Monday Inventory At Walmart, Best Buy, And More, By Whether or not you're looking for a new shooter in your life, you owe it to yourself to play Battlefield: Bad Company 2. This vivid, engaging world is a testament to Bad Company 2's remarkable technical presentation. These maps are excellent, as is the spot-on sound design, which is perhaps even more crucial in multiplayer than in the campaign. To top things off, the AI squad mates at your side act like real soldiers in battle. Destructibility is strategically powerful and immensely fun, Electrifying and addictive online multiplayer.