Top Answer. Flood says she's seen 18-inch-long Altamira nests hanging from power lines in Mexico. The male oriole has an orange colored breast with a black head. The female oriole will incubate the eggs for 12-14 days. Q. It is also the inspiration for the Baltimore Orioles baseball team. These species are spread out all over the United States, from East to West, but aren't enjoyed often because they typically spend winters in Mexico and Central and South America where they find stable food sources of insects and fruit. 9 10 11. Oriole Eggs Answers to Questions. Oriole pairing varies from species to species, but most birds sing to establish mates. They are not territorial, but they do defend their nest from predators and other birds. Eggs and Young . The female has an yellow-orange breast and a gray colored head. They seek out the darkest mulberries, the reddest cherries, and the deepest-purple grapes, and will ignore green grapes and yellow cherries even if they are ripe. The eggs show dark blackish-brown blotches or squiggles at the large end. Asked by Wiki User. What color of egg does a Baltimore Oriole have? 2010-05-29 21:40:10 2010-05-29 21:40:10. white or blue. Several species live in America, such as the Baltimore Oriole (precisely, like the team), Bullock's Oriole, Orchard Oriole, Scott's Oriole, and the Hooded Oriole. Different species have different sized clutches of eggs, though the number laid is usually between three and seven. Baltimore Oriole Eggs Photo copyright by Todd Ratermann: The average weight of an oriole egg is 2.99 grams. A mated pair will produce one bood of 3 to 5 eggs per year, and the female Oriole will incubate the eggs for 12 to 14 days. Baltimore orioles seem to prefer only ripe, dark-colored fruit. The Baltimore oriole is a bird that is brightly colored. In contrast, Altamira Orioles have much deeper nests. A mated pair of Baltimore orioles will produce one brood of 3-7 oval-shaped, gray-white or pale blue eggs per year. Answer. The Baltimore oriole is the state bird of Maryland. Both parents feed the young for an additional 12 to 14 days until the young birds can leave the nest. Oriole species with more concealed nests, including Baltimore, Orchard, Scott's, and Hooded, tend to have shallower pouches, typically ranging three to four inches in length. Wiki User Answered . The average weight of the empty shell is 0.20 grams. Most species incubate their eggs for around two weeks. The Baltimore Oriole's nest is a tightly woven pouch located on the end of a branch, hanging down on the underside.