Eating peanuts is a great way to getmultiple minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, and zinc. In general, a diet high in sodium can increase blood pressure which in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (heart attacks and strokes). This represents about 13% of the total daily intake of sodium that the Institute of Medicine recommends. Read more about the health benefits of fiber here to help you understand how big of a deal fibers are. Thanks for subscribing! Are peanuts bad for you? Opting for a 1/2-cup serving of chopped, oil-roasted and salted peanuts increases your saturated fat intake by 6.2 grams, and also raises your daily sodium intake by 230 milligrams. 4 Incredible Health Benefits of Salted Peanuts #1 Healthy Snack, Pass quality checked by advisor, read our quality control guidelance for more info. They're about 60% fat, 25% protein, 10% fibre and other bits and pieces, but have a fairly good amount of trace vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, a diet that consists primarily of whole foods and not a lot of fast and prepared foods – the biggest culprits for excess sodium – can easily accommodate a serving of salted nuts and still qualify as “healthy.”. Some nuts also supply healthy amounts of B vitamins, which work as a unit to metabolize food into energy. any of the products or services that are advertised on the web site. Although we have stated before that you need to be careful with your sodium intake, you don’t really have to worry when it comes to salted peanuts. One fourth cup of peanuts has 35% manganese, a mineral that plays an important role in 1. advertisements are served by third party advertising companies. 2020 Nuts and seeds – A rich source of plant protein Plant protein. They are classified as belonging to the legume family, which also includes beans and lentils. We hope this article about health benefits of salted peanuts have been helpful to broaden your knowledge, save your diet program, or basically to enhance your health! Couple that with the fact that most roasting oils are fragile seed oils high in omega-6 and you’ve got an unhealthy snack on … Due to this certification, a Heart Check mark may now appear on oil roasted salted peanuts packages. How do plant-based protein sources compare? Depending on which salted nuts you choose, you’ll get good amounts of the minerals magnesium, phosphorus, copper and manganese. Roll the balls on chopped nuts then place them on a cookie sheet, lined with wax paper or in a glass container to prevent them from sticking from one to another. While it's important to limit your sodium intake for good health, you needn't worry too much about the sodium levels in salted nuts. A full 50% of the fat in peanuts is heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, and over 30% is polyunsaturated fats. The American Heart Association even classified oil roasted salted peanuts as heart-healthy certified and can be included into an overall healthy eating pattern. The fiber content inside of salted peanuts makes it able to offer our body some health benefits. Each ounce of salted mixed nuts boosts your copper intake by 363 micrograms and provides 40 percent of your daily copper requirements. Nutritionists have advised avoiding salted nuts to reduce sodium in the diet, because excess sodium can present health issues for people with elevated blood pressure or heart disease. Despite their salty taste, salted peanuts are low in sodium. What Kind of Nuts Are Good for the Brain? This one recipe can form 34 salted peanuts balls in total. You can also use 12 pitted Medjool dates for alternative. An ounce of salted mixed nuts offers 8.9 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids and 3.1 grams of polyunsaturated fat. No, salted nuts are not bad for you as they still contain all the nutrition and health benefits of raw or natural nuts, they just have a higher sodium content. 17,029 pages were read in the last minute. They also have lots of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Any advise on this is much appricated. They're about 60% fat, 25% protein, 10% fibre and other bits and pieces, but have a fairly good amount of trace vitamins and nutrients. The essential vitamins in peanuts also help by regulating metabolism, facilitating bone and tissue formation, and helps with converting fats and carbohydrates into energy. Grind them until chopped. Read here to know more about the effects of high sodium level. However, limiting sodium intake does not necessarily mean you have to avoid anything that have something to do with salt. Ingredients.